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Author Topic: DeNuke  (Read 67535 times)

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Offline Roll Tide

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #50 on: Jul 26, 2006, 11:08 »
Does anyone have contact info on DeNuke?
(A troublemaker was asking me via PM)
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Offline nothinbuttrouble

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #51 on: Jul 26, 2006, 11:33 »
i really am not a trouble maker.  i was trying to check my options out.  i wanted to see if i could go home and work there.  havent been able to work at home for along time and thought this might be an option.   i was looking for a telephone number or a fax number.  i would appreciate any help that you could give me to obtain this information.  have a nice day and thank you advice... :)

Offline Rennhack

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #52 on: Jul 26, 2006, 11:37 »

Please go to the jobs tab, contact info for all the major companies is located there.

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #53 on: Jul 26, 2006, 02:02 »
A troublemaker was asking me

My attempt at humor regarding screen name (without giving away any desired anonymity)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #54 on: Jul 26, 2006, 02:29 »
sorry for the misunderstanding..i guess i woke up on the wrong side of bed.  thanks for your help...thanks again roll tide appreciate your help,,,

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #55 on: Sep 12, 2006, 12:18 »
Just finished an assignment with them, a very good company to work for.
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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #56 on: Sep 12, 2006, 09:18 »
DeNuke does pay every two weeks and they hold back two weeks so it does take 4 weeks to get your first paycheck.  They do pay your PD after three weeks.  So when your money finally starts coming you get a two week paycheck one week and the next you get two weeks PD. I despise companies that cant just pay you when you should be paid.


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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #57 on: Dec 14, 2010, 10:16 »
These people are some of the most incompetent folks out there.  Get everything they tell you in writing.  Bonuses and mobilization expenses not paid as promised, problems with pay accuracy and timing, and outright lies characterize their business dealings with employees.  Resumes are fluffed before being presented to clients.  A substantial portion of their contractors have recent criminal histories or substance abuse problems... If you want to be grouped in with "the bottom of the barrel," go work for this company.


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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #58 on: Dec 14, 2010, 11:00 »
I work with a fine group of Denuke techs at Hanford that are first class people and professional. Be careful not to generalize.
« Last Edit: Dec 14, 2010, 03:41 by nukewood »

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #59 on: Dec 14, 2010, 11:14 »
I've worked a couple of jobs with DeNuke with no problems.

Offline Frankie Love

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #60 on: Dec 14, 2010, 11:38 »
These people are some of the most incompetent folks out there.  Get everything they tell you in writing.  Bonuses and mobilization expenses not paid as promised, problems with pay accuracy and timing, and outright lies characterize their business dealings with employees.  Resumes are fluffed before being presented to clients.  A substantial portion of their contractors have recent criminal histories or substance abuse problems... If you want to be grouped in with "the bottom of the barrel," go work for this company.

Ouch! Isn't the internet great? Send a slam and run and hide. Sounds like this guy has issues. I work with and have met a number of DeNuke people here at Argonne. No problems with any of them.

Offline tolstoy

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #61 on: Dec 14, 2010, 11:50 »
Interesting how these reputations are made.

I've worked with quite a few companies over the years and am very happy with Denuke. Upon my acceptance at the site Denuke sent me an agreement package and they have so far lived up to any promise they made. There have been a couple of questions come up that has taken the office a while to figure out but with a little patience everything has worked out. I've found both the local and main office to be very responsive and nice to work with. The techs here are the same you will meet anywhere - some are better than others, most complain about everything, but everyone gets the work done and stays pretty friendly.  

Offline Rennhack

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #62 on: Dec 14, 2010, 12:54 »
These people are some of the most incompetent folks out there.  Get everything they tell you in writing.  Bonuses and mobilization expenses not paid as promised, problems with pay accuracy and timing, and outright lies characterize their business dealings with employees.  Resumes are fluffed before being presented to clients.  A substantial portion of their contractors have recent criminal histories or substance abuse problems... If you want to be grouped in with "the bottom of the barrel," go work for this company.

I see from your post history (there isn't one), and from the fact that you signed your name (oh, you didn't?), that you are a source I should take very seriously.

I've never worked for DeNuke, but I have worked with DeNuke many times.  I have never had any troubles with any of their employees, or the owners/managers.  Additionally, I've never had any trouble receiving payment from them for the job postings. 

I just reread the 65 posts on this thread, and the other 64 posts dating back to 2005 when they came on the scene have all been positive.  And 67% of the voters in the poll give them an average, or superior grade (More superior ~40%).  They also rank 16 out of 64 in the overall listing of favorite companies.  Not too bad for a young company.


I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but do you really think your words are accurate?

« Last Edit: Dec 14, 2010, 01:02 by Rennhack »

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #63 on: Dec 14, 2010, 01:31 »
Sounds like another one of those "seagull" posters....find a nice quiet thread, squawk loudly while shaking the tail and dropping a huge sticky load of guano, and then fly off....

Offline Rennhack

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #64 on: Dec 14, 2010, 06:12 »
I just got a PM from our buddy Quality Control:

I tried to reply to your response to my post about DeNuke, but evidently my privileges to respond have been revoked.  I thought the company forum was the place to post about unsatisfactory company performance.  While I admit that I only became a member to post, I do frequent your site as I am in the business.  The experiences I described are true, based on my first hand knowledge.  While I omitted details to avoid a defamatory situation, I did not generalize either.  I mentioned that a "substantial portion" of DeNuke employees had issues - again, first hand knowledge, and the information about how they do business with their clients is first hand knowledge as well.  The post is one opinion, just as valid as any of the others.  It seems that you have unfairly censored me, and it also seems that you and the majority of those who immediately posted in response have a vested interest and their opinions reflect that.  I've spoken to many techs, at Hanford and at Argonne, who feel otherwise, as I do.  Word on the street - You want the bottom of the barrel, call DeNuke.
Have a good day sir.

Your privileges have not been altered.  You have not been censored.

Clicking on the quote, or reply buttons should work for you, just as it does for any user that is LOGGED IN.

It pisses me off SO MUSH when people cry that they have been censored.  Was your post deleted? NO.  And your privileges have not been altered in any way.  Perhaps you are not capable of logging in before you click on quote, or reply.  No wonder they let you go.

Let me get this straight, the OTHER 64 of us are wrong, and have a “Vested interest”, because we have had a positive interaction with the company for over five years?  How long have you evaluated them?  Five weeks?  Five months?

You are allowed to say anything you want.  I can’t and won’t protect you from being sued for libelous or slanderous words.  But you are totally free to do so.  Just don’t get your panties in a wad if we don’t agree with you. And don’t you EVER claim that I am censoring you.  It just shows your poor character to come on a forum and anonymously defame a company.  Then to make false accusations against me?  Wow.  That adds a ton of credibility to your previous statement.

My name is Michael Rennhack, and if I had a problem with a company, and wanted the world to know it, I’d use my name. 

I’m sure you have these types of experiences with every company you deal with, they are always out to get you, huh?  Surely it couldn’t be you.

Before you told lies about me, I was willing to entertain your comments as valid, even though they were different than my experiences.  But now that you are telling lies about me too, I have no respect for you at all.  I didn’t even smite you earlier, because I respect people that have differing opinions. I surely will smite you now, as I have no respect for liars.

You claim its firsthand knowledge that a “substantial portion” of their employees had problems.  They probably have a thousand employees, how many do you know?  And it’s only “First hand” if it’s YOU.  Are you a substantial portion of their employees?  If others are telling you, then it’s second knowledge.  And if they tell you that they have herd others say it, its third hand at best.

You claim its firsthand knowledge about how they do business with their clients.  Unless YOU are a client, it’s not FIRST HAND.  Guess what?  I AM a client.  They do business with ME.  I DO know FIRST HAND.

How about you say: “I heard from a guy that heard from a guy.”, because that sounds more accurate.

(You think I should have counted to ten before I posted this?)

You want to know my hot button?  Tell me you are being censored.
« Last Edit: Dec 14, 2010, 06:42 by Rennhack »

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #65 on: Dec 14, 2010, 11:35 »
As current employee of Denuke for the last year and a half, I can say I've had no problems.

 [Flamer] [Flamer]
You want to know my hot button?  Tell me you are being censored.
[BH] [BH]

Of course you can pick any staffing company on this site and someone will be sending [Flamer] their way. Usually it seems to be the same people. Trying to reason with them is like [BH]
« Last Edit: Dec 14, 2010, 11:41 by Smart People »
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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #66 on: Dec 15, 2010, 11:57 »
I think that Quality control needs to watch what they say. I would hope that with all the experience this person claims to have, they would know that everyone reads these posts and that might not be the best way to get their point across. Maybe it stops them from being employed anywhere, not just with Denuke. I have worked for denuke for a couple of years and i think they have been great and everyone i have met within the company as been very helpful. I think this guy just had a bad experience. Also to mr. beer court ( whats wrong with the name DENUKE ). its doing something right they keep getting contracts all over the country. Thats my  [2cents]

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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #67 on: Dec 15, 2010, 12:25 »
Hmmmm...,. I was De-nuked, now I'm working for Denuke.....

Denuke is mostly geared toward clean up, Final Status Surveys, and shipment of radwaste. So, removal of rad or De-nuking a facility.  A couple of years ago they started a sister company called Renuke to get into the industry of the upcoming proposed new plants and facilities.
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Re: DeNuke
« Reply #68 on: Apr 27, 2019, 10:15 »
Is DeNuke now ATL?
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