Career Path > Outages
Kudos to the crew that was responsible for stocking the Anti Cs.
First Energy Harbor outage I have been to this millenium that did NOT run out of the size 4 red rubbers, aka clown feet.
Nky once did I need to cramp my toes with a size 3 orange.
Here we are only 21 years into the referenced timeframe with an accomplishment of this magnitude at the Beav. Hopefully this is but the first of many more milestones of this level or perhaps greater at the facility. Thankfully it wasnt 21 years of undersized hoods with the potential shrink/swell, insurge/outsurge of cerebral hemisphere coolant which could have negatively impacted critical path work. Few things sadder in life than the tears of a clown, especially if due to cramped tootsies. It does matter how radiation interacts with matter no matter what they say.
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