Facility & Company Information > Region II (South East)
Charleston Naval Shipyard
Magnolias is just about the best restaurant downtown. Out west, try Kyoto's for excellent japanese teppan yaka food and sake.
Magnolias???? If this the same place that advertised "southern cooking" on its sign and was in downtown then I have to disagree. I ordered what was called a southern eggroll which lasted about two seconds to insert it in my mouth, chew twice, and swallow. I then figured I would get a steak. This pushed the tab to close to 60-70 dollars american, and I still had to hit an Arby's up on the way home. BTW The wife and I are from Alabama, so when someone says southern cooking it better not be FUFU stuff, especially when she is prenant at the time. Though I will say the atmosphere was real quiet, or maybe its always that slow in there.
Sorry you had a badd experience. And yeah. I guess it would be referred to as Fufu cooking.
But then I enjoy shrimp and grits as well as Fufu foods ;)
Saracen's was my favorite restsurant in Chucktown. French Moroccan I think? It was on East Bay Street. The best place to hang out was "The Treehouse", which was a semi-rave club made from a big house near downtown. Everybody went there for later-night action (past 12am). That place was so kickin@! Anybody remember it? They shut it down in '95 I think. Anything went in there, all kinds of crazy stuff going on. Probly why it was shutdown. Saracen's is still open I think. Yummy. Kyotos is one of the best Japanese restaurants I have been to.
WOW!~ I remember the Treehouse! That place rocked, indeed! I can't believe someone else knows what it is! I use to go there with some friends when we were in town watching a band at the Music Farm. After the Music Farm, we would head over to the Treehouse. I saw many wild things happen in there! Good times....sigh....memories....
I don't remember the exact spelling, but a great place to eat is Guiseppies (pronounced Giseppys).
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