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Offline NoShock

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Eberline Alpha 6A CAM question
« on: Nov 15, 2021, 10:44 »
Hello everyone, first post here. Cool little community.

I have a Eberline Alpha 6A CAM (Continuous air monitor) that has been sitting on my shelf here. I copped it off eBay a couple of months ago. To my dismay, when I powered it on it will not let me change any settings or even view some menus because of an admin password locking the interface  ::)
[size=78%](4 digit numerical). Does anybody have a clue on how I could reset the entire unit and salvage this thing? (We are upgrading our whole CAM network right now so this would be for a backup reference in our output stack.)[/size]

I could most likely figure it out if anyone has a manual they could send digitally to me. Unfortunately the seller of the CAM was just as in the dark as I am.

Thanks in advance!


I have a picture of it on my computer but I can't figure out how to add it to the post.
« Last Edit: Nov 19, 2021, 08:20 by NoShock »

Offline Hobber

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Re: Eberline Alpha 6A CAM question
« Reply #1 on: Nov 19, 2021, 07:48 »
Try "0000"

Offline NoShock

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Re: Eberline Alpha 6A CAM question
« Reply #2 on: Nov 19, 2021, 08:19 »

Try "0000"

Wow! I didn't think of that actually :P ...hold on.
Nope, no dice  ;)

Yeah, and I'm not too keen on trying the other 9999 possibilities either haha. I'm not holding out too much hope for this one but I figured I would ask here.


Offline gammaman30

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Re: Eberline Alpha 6A CAM question
« Reply #3 on: Nov 20, 2021, 10:28 »
We use 1000 for ours!

Offline NoShock

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Re: Eberline Alpha 6A CAM question
« Reply #4 on: Nov 23, 2021, 10:14 »
We use 1000 for ours!

Thanks for replying gammaman. I tried that and a few other combos just now. No dice. I think at this point I'm on the lookout for the manual with an electronics schematic, unless I could just get a lucky guess(which is very improbable obviously).

Oh well.  ;D


Offline Rennhack

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Re: Eberline Alpha 6A CAM question
« Reply #5 on: Nov 23, 2021, 12:52 »
Looks like you need the calibration software.

ThermoFisher now owns Eberline.

Here is the technical support number for the ALPHA-6A Alpha Air Monitor:  Phone:+1 800 274 4212

Here is a link to the Alpha-7A Manual, basically the same device:
Setup Using The Alpha-7 Client 
Most of the remaining instrument setup can be accomplished using the Alpha-7 Client program.  This program contains the same Tree Control used to configure the network parameters described under the Alpha-7 Calibration Wizard section.  The Alpha-7 Client program is initiated by double clicking on the Alpha-7 Client icon on the Windows desktop, or by double clicking on the A7Client.exe file in Windows Explorer.

Password Access
Two levels of password access are provided in the Alpha-7 Client program.  The first level provides the user View-Only access.  The second level provides editing capabilities to configure the Alpha-7, but does not allow modification of any information that would effect the instrument calibration.  Those modifications are restricted to the Alpha-7 Calibration Wizard, which provides a third level of access via administrative control of the program availability.  The Tree Control in the Alpha-7 Calibration Wizard allows unrestricted editing of all Alpha-7 parameters.

When the user starts the program, a password screen will be presented for the user to enter the appropriate password.  There are two levels of password access:  View-Only and Full Rights.

Entering the View-Only password allows the user the lowest level of access to the client program.  The user may view the Alpha-7 operating parameters and data but is not allowed to change any values or configuration.  In this mode most parameter fields will display the settings, but the edit field will be grayed out preventing user modification.  The default View-Only password is blank, which means you can press the Enter key or click OK with the mouse to enter the client.
Entering the Full Rights password allows the user access to configuration parameters for all Alpha-7 instruments that can be accessed from that client computer.  These changes include the instrument name, display page settings, isotopes to be measured, and alarm set points.  The user is not allowed to change any of the calibration data that might affect the quality of the measurement using this program.  The default Full Rights password for all new Alpha-7 Client installations is “eberline”.  The password is case-sensitive, so be sure that the Caps Lock is off.

Care should be taken to properly document the passwords when they are changed.  If the passwords should be lost, access to the program can only be regained by uninstalling the program and reinstalling it to restore the default passwords.   

Keep in mind that the passwords are independent for each installation of the Alpha-7 Client, and unless the passwords are set the same for multiple installations, the password for one installation will not be accepted at another installation on a different computer.   

The third level of security for modifying calibration data is provided administratively by restricting access to the Alpha-7 Calibration Wizard software.  The calibration software is the only method for modifying the Alpha-7 calibration data and network settings.  Data may be modified manually if necessary, but use of the automated calibration wizard is advised for both ease-of-use and accuracy of calibration.
« Last Edit: Nov 23, 2021, 01:46 by Rennhack »

Offline NoShock

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Re: Eberline Alpha 6A CAM question
« Reply #6 on: Nov 30, 2021, 08:19 »
Wow, much appreciated Rennhack! That's exactly what I needed. Sorry for the late reply, I hope everyone had a good holiday.

Thank you! :)



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