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Author Topic: Old Bartlett pre-Bartlett Holdings era  (Read 244266 times)

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #25 on: Nov 03, 2002, 04:34 »
I guess I've just been blessed all my years on the road.  I started teching with Anefco back in the mid 70's.  I've never had any problems with any employer . . . but I have been picky about whom I've been willing to work for.  I have never had a problem with Bartlett since I first started working for them back in the early 80's.  Heck, they even let me play Site Coordinator once.  I stay with Bartlett now because I pretty much know what to expect from them: No problems with pay or perdiem, decent (though not stellar) benefits and good advice when I'm scrounging for my next job (thanks Eric).  I guess it don't get no better than this out here in Road Warrior land.


Hey Mike -- where's the spell checker???


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #26 on: Dec 04, 2002, 05:59 »
:)I have had the pleasure to work for Numanco when they began in Pawtucket RI.  Yes that was a long time ago.  Charley was a great guy who treated us well and we loved working for him even if it meant spending time at IP 2.  Never really had any interest in changing companies but the ever changing owners of Numanco (Westinghouse & NSS) helped to hasten my decision.  While I was the Numanco Site Coordinator at Salem and Hope Creek I had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with Roxanne form Bartlett (Scroggy and I shared a phone).  She kept asking when I was going to come and work for Bartlett.  I finally gave in at Palo Verde in 95.  Couldn't have worked out any better.  Bruce has been very nice to me as well as Jerry, Nick, Bill T. and everyone else I deal with in Plymouth.  It's been seven years and have had as good of a time as a roadie can have after four years of college and 20+ traveling from Maine (summer student 1979) to California.  Bartlett pays what they tell you they are going to pay and you can be sure the check will clear, remember ARC at Vermont Yankee back in 88.  As fate would go, Roxanne has a sister here in Michigan, we met and have dated for over three years.  Enjoy the holiday season.  It's snow covered and cold (9 degrees F) here in Michigan!


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #27 on: Dec 06, 2002, 05:25 »
They've always been good to me.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #28 on: Aug 23, 2003, 05:44 »

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #29 on: Aug 23, 2003, 09:03 »
This is only the 2nd time I've worked for Bartlett.  They have been good to me, but maybe I am not a good reference since its only been twice.  The only problem I had was the site coordinator at my first Bartlett job.  What an a**!  And his sidekick, double a**!
What I can say for sure is, my site coordinator here at Fernald is the greatest!  I really enjoy my job here!  Thanks, Jim, you're the greatest boss, others shouyld be so lucky!

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #30 on: Aug 25, 2003, 05:48 »
Bartlett,hum ,comment,,it's the American way.I know a few techs that in the old days,(1987 OR SO) THAT Bartlett kept working.Some of these guys ,whew, you couldn't give them any kind of test,drug or otherwise.I worked with Barlett when the great IP2 SCANDAL went down.Personally I HAVEN'T HAD MANY A PROBLEM WITH THEM,I CAUSED PLENTY THOUGH.Don' get me wrong I WAS A AND STILL IS (AM) A HARD WORKER.A company that can put up with a  [smiley=nono.gif] like my ex has to be on point.I give them a   (y)Thankfully things have changed a bit,or have they.God bless ya :-? :-?Wait you said no direct deposit,I'M SHOCKED, THAT'S NOT EVEN AMERICAN [smiley=shockwhore.gif]
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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #31 on: Oct 09, 2003, 11:00 »
Hey, Bartlett's the shizzle.....

Eric found a brotha some work, so I can keep providing for me and the fam....the checks come every week w/o fail, and if there's an issue, it'll GET shizzle.

Excuses are tools of the incompetent which create monuments of nothingness, Those who specialize in their uses seldom achieve anything.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #32 on: Oct 10, 2003, 05:14 »
  I met Bruce in 1980, at the Peach.  I was a house mouse at the time and attended several of his Social Gatherings, at Rocky & Pat's houses.  Although I never worked for Bartlett until 1992, we ran into each other on many occassions, at many sites.  Usually working for a rival company!  Bruce had a good grasp on the business and he knew, even his competators techs, where his perspective employees!  I have to admit, in the past 23 years the man has never lied to me, other than telling me I owed him a favor! LMAO

 As for some of his Managers....Let's just say a very different story!  One thing I have learned with Bartlett and other companies, I don't take a job without knowing who's in charge of the site.  That mean who's in charge, in the home office and all the way down to the site supervision!  This would be a good suggestion for everybody!  As with all companies, there are just some people not worth getting involved with,( Not even for $100.00 hr and $200.00 Day )!  After commiting, if I find out I've been lied to, the clock starts ticking!  I start looking for a new job the moment it happens and there really isn't any way of reversing the process!  

  Actually I will only deal with one individual at the Bartlett office and their assistant.  Call it a situation of loyalty, or whatever!  If this individual went to work for another company, he know's he has techs.  But there are also about ten other individual in the industry, I would do the same for!  Are they perfect?  Not really, but at least they will openly inform you of what is happening and the options available.  I've seen many promises made to techs to keep them in place for leverage on the rival companies, only to be on the breadline when the leverage is no longer required!  Who makes the promises, I don't know, it hasn't happened to me, I don't buy into speculation!  

  As for other companies?  There are actually a bunch out there!  If you are dedicated to a stay at home situation, then you are pretty much dependent on Bartlett, Numanco, or whatever company is in your area.  If you are willing to travel and like adventure, there are a ton of jobs to be had, even in other countries!



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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #33 on: Oct 10, 2003, 10:18 »
I being a lowly carpenter can only speak from the viewpoint of the Tech's that Bartlett sends to jobs.
A few stick out as being great.
John Burns
Delisha Parker
Carol (she covered a few fun days in the valve room where the smear went airborne, actually the first time i have had to wear double's while building scaffolding, and the only time i deconned scaffolding for 3 days straight)

This in no way means other techs from other companies aren't good, Exelon has been my mainstay for outages and with that comes Bartlett techs.

To the uninformed, it would seem his double secret probation works in theory :)


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #34 on: Oct 12, 2003, 06:08 »
All the bitching, all the whining, the bottom line is:  If you don't like working for Bartlett, find somebody else to work for!  I'm not flying the Bartlett flag or anything like that, just offering a solution.  Yes Bruce has the majority of the contracts but there is a multitude of employers out there providing services in our line of work.  If you are worth a shit then you won't have any problems staying employed with Bruce or anyone else!

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #35 on: Oct 14, 2003, 12:23 »
I've never had any problems with Bartlett.  Worked for them a bunch in the eighties, then went house (as the handle implies)and I now work for Bartlett again.  
The checks have always been right and on time.  The jobs have been pretty much as advertised and Bartlett keeps me employed.
If I wasn't happy I'd move on (as I did in leaving the house job).
Irish diplomacy is the ability to tell a man to go to hell such that he looks forward to making the trip.

Inspite of inflation, a penny is still a fair price for most peoples thoughts.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #36 on: Nov 17, 2003, 08:34 »
Had a call last week from somebody saying they were doing a RCT satisfaction survey about/for Bartlett Nuclear.  Anyone else hear about this?


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #37 on: Nov 17, 2003, 08:36 »
nope...first I've heard of it.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #38 on: Nov 17, 2003, 11:01 »
I got one too, which is funny because I have never worked for them?   ???

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #39 on: Nov 17, 2003, 02:59 »
I too received this. I have had many conversations with Bruce and have done much business with his company, but I have never worked for him. I agree with Mike.
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #40 on: Nov 17, 2003, 06:54 »
Sounds like shades of the ANS Survey saga of a couple of months ago.   ::)
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  -Bertrand Russell


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #41 on: Nov 17, 2003, 09:04 »
Bruce usually reads postings....he would surely mention that it's on the "up and up".

Maybe he only called the people he's trying to remove from double secret probation??

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #42 on: Nov 18, 2003, 02:22 »
Maybe it's another attempt at unonization.
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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #43 on: Nov 18, 2003, 03:18 »
my mailbox is empty..... ::)
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dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #44 on: Nov 18, 2003, 12:11 »
Let me put it this way: I was supposed to be working in Oak Ridge right now, but I got stiffed by a Bartlett recruiter. I was encouraged to leave my employment at the time to get to Oak Ridge by a certain date "If I ever wanted to work at Oak Ridge."

Just before I left the midpoint of my trip to TN, I learned that the recruiter had placed some else in the position because I could not be reached during my move. I didn't even hear the words "I'm sorry." All that I have gotten is the standard recruiter BS email saying, "Call me." Rude, to say the least.

Now, I am unemployed without unemployment compensation eligability. Happy Holidays! Thanks Bartlett!

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #45 on: Nov 18, 2003, 12:30 »
It's real, self-audit by an outside company so we can improve.

I stand corrected.  The survey is real.  Tell them the truth, and help the industry improve.

(I had seen too many fakes lately, and "assumed"... and you know what happens when you ass-u-me.)


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #46 on: Nov 18, 2003, 10:06 »
dang did mike get your job????  always get any agreement in writing even if its on email- that makes it legal.. and u have some change of getting a contractual breech-not in writing u are being chumped...

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #47 on: Nov 19, 2003, 11:38 »

I have heard that Bartlett has changed.  Guess that old habits die hard.  Nice to know it is still business as usual in Plymouth.  I will have to be really hungry before they get to bill for me again.  They have no honor, something that is increasingly rare in any business these days.  To Bruce:  You used to run a great company then you put your faith people who put business first and always foremost.  This disrespects all the good people who made your company as big as it is.  I, for one, am not impressed by size.  I am impressed by honesty, professionalism, and a belief that I can depend on the home office.  These qualities have been lacking and apparently are still lost on Plymouth.  You are either a Warren Buffet, who understands his work force, or a Kenneth Lay who would walk over his own mother for the sake of a buck.  I know what I want your company to be, but I also know what my perception of your company is.  Only you can change it.

The person that recruits for Oak Ridge is not from the Plymouth Office , it is a separate entity almost.  Ask Eric for a Job in Oak Ridge, and he'll tell you to call some one else.  So don't confuse that message above with "business as usual" at Plymouth, because it isn't.  In fact, Bartlett just hired an outside firm to survey past/present employees to find ways to improve the company.

Heck, I personally haven't had a problem since Judy left...

If the "Oak Ridge" recruiter needs help, let’s help... But I'll tell you one thing; you get more flies with honey than with vinegar.... and you have only heard one side of the story.  Make informed decisions, and one-sided stories are not informed.  I feel bad for the guy that quit his job with out having an offer letter in hand.  But who quits a permanent job on a recruiter’s word alone?  Who is incommunicado for a week at a time before a major job change?

I checked in to this story and here is the rest of the story, the part he didn’t tell you.  Bartlett submitted his resume, and security rejected it.  Bartlett then tried to contact the guy for a week.  – I personally contact the recruiter a few days before I am supposed to be on site, to verify that the job is still a ‘go’, as the nuclear world changes quickly.  And if I suspected that there might be a problem with my security clearance, I’d be on the phone every day.  (In fact, I WAS on the phone every day, and I didn’t have any of those issues.)

Before jumping on the bandwagon, get the facts.

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #48 on: Nov 19, 2003, 01:51 »

I, "The Guy", was sent the security application while I was packing my things in an out-of-town suite to leave for Oak Ridge. It was a last minute add-on just before I left Idaho. I sent what little information that I had and warned Anne ahead of time that it would be scant. At least they would have my signatures and a copy of my birth cerificate to get started with. That application should have been sent to me earlier while I had resources available to me and not at the last minute. I had no idea that there was a problem with the application, therefore I couldn't "be on the phone every 15 minutes" while I was towing a trailer acrossed the country.

I told Anne exactly where I would be be over the next few days and that I would not have email.

FYI. Two days does not equal a week. Also, I did personally contact the recruiter a few days before I was supposed to be on plant site and was told that my start date had been "postponed".

By all means.Get the facts straight.

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #49 on: Nov 19, 2003, 05:24 »

I, "The Guy", was sent the security application while I was packing my things in an out-of-town suite to leave for Oak Ridge. It was a last minute add-on just before I left Idaho. I sent what little information that I had and warned Anne ahead of time that it would be scant. At least they would have my signatures and a copy of my birth cerificate to get started with. That application should have been sent to me earlier while I had resources available to me and not at the last minute. I had no idea that there was a problem with the application, therefore I couldn't "be on the phone every 15 minutes" while I was towing a trailer acrossed the country.

I told Anne exactly where I would be be over the next few days and that I would not have email.

FYI. Two days does not equal a week. Also, I did personally contact the recruiter a few days before I was supposed to be on plant site and was told that my start date had been "postponed".

By all means. Get the facts straight.

Kind sir,

The short story is that you turned in an incomplete security form.  You cannot work at an L cleared facility with out a complete security questionnaire.  No reason you give me or the viewers of this site will shift the blame to a recruiter because you did not fill out the questionnaire fully.  Oak Ridge security needs about two weeks to approve a COMPLETED security application, and will not consider anything less.  The recruiter did not lie to you.  From what I understand, they are still waiting for you to finish the application, so that they can give you the job.  Perhaps your time would be better service gathering the information for your security form and sending it in.

I was given the same security form the same day you were. I was on the road as well, and I returned it the same day, completed in full.  And I started work Monday.  A few days short of the two weeks that Oak Ridge prefers to have.

I’m sure I haven’t made a friend out of you, because I have corrected you, for that I am sorry.  But I cold not let you libel a good lady.  Would it have been great if she sent you the form months earlier?  Sure.  Would it have been great of you to fill out the form as requested?  Sure.  Simply telling her that you were not going to do it correctly does not make it acceptable.

Come by my office when you get on site, and I’ll give you a NukeWorker sticker…
« Last Edit: Mar 10, 2005, 03:09 by RDTroja »


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