In my 30+ years as an I&C Tech, I've worked for a number of different companies, but my last nuke assignment was with AeroTek.
I never heard of them (in the Nuke Industry) and never worked for them before.
Well, my beef is that I was offered $0.55/mile travel to and from, as part of my compensation package. But, more than 40 days after completing the assignment successfully, I still have not been paid my travel, a sum of $1903.00
I've been lobbing emails back and forth with my sole point of contact, the recruiter who called me initially. He tried to do all his talking on the phone, but at the 30 day mark I insisted all further communication be in writing (email). If I send him an email, he will reply, saying all the right things (well, almost saying them) and yet the check has not arrived. If I don't prod him, he just remains silent.
I'm pretty disappointed. This is what they call "dealing in bad faith" (or more pointedly, bait and switch). I'm not sure what I can do about it. Anyone out there have some suggestions?
One colleague told me I need to go to the US Department of Labor, but their website states they only deal with Hourly Wage issues.