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Author Topic: Assuming that my chances of getting an unescorted access badge are pretty low?  (Read 1940 times)

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Offline Rick

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So I’m not looking for a job at a nuclear plant, but I do work for a company that periodically does various types of work at nuke plants. My company suggested I try to get my access badge so I can go on some of these jobs my company does. I know all about the process but a week ago I made a really stupid decision and ended up getting charged with a DUI. It’s my first offense and I have no criminal background otherwise. In my state there’s a program for first time offenders where you take some alcohol safety classes, do some community service, pay fines and after a period of months the charges are dropped and your record is expunged. So I wouldn’t be entering a guilty plea or getting a conviction.

I’ve read threads on here where people with much worse criminal backgrounds got approval. But I’m guessing since this was recent and still pending I wouldn’t receive approval? My job duty doesn’t rely on having access so I can still perform my job if it’s not at nuclear plants. But I’m sure if my work sees a denial and the reason they’ll probably fire me anyway. So I’m pretty much screwed right?
« Last Edit: Aug 24, 2022, 07:54 by Rick »

Offline Rennhack

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You will be fine.  Just disclose everything.  As long as you are up to date on classes/community service, etc, you won't have an issue.  Just disclose everything.

Offline Rick

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You will be fine.  Just disclose everything.  As long as you are up to date on classes/community service, etc, you won't have an issue.  Just disclose everything.

Ok thanks. I just received the email about doing my PHQ today and I’m still really nervous about it. But if you say I will be fine as long as I’m honest then I will take your word for it.

Offline Rick

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You will be fine.  Just disclose everything.  As long as you are up to date on classes/community service, etc, you won't have an issue.  Just disclose everything.

I was actually denied access. Got a call from the site saying that I was ineligible because my DUI was pending. I was told that once it was resolved and no longer pending that I would be eligible to be badged. I was overcome with disappointment so I didn’t really listen that well or ask questions but I’m wondering when is it considered no longer pending? I am going to be accepted into this program where I do classes and community service and then the charges get dropped. Do I have to wait until the charges are dropped or is once I get into the program it’s no longer considered pending?

Offline Rennhack

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I was actually denied access. Got a call from the site saying that I was ineligible because my DUI was pending. I was told that once it was resolved and no longer pending that I would be eligible to be badged. I was overcome with disappointment so I didn’t really listen that well or ask questions but I’m wondering when is it considered no longer pending? I am going to be accepted into this program where I do classes and community service and then the charges get dropped. Do I have to wait until the charges are dropped or is once I get into the program it’s no longer considered pending?

Great questions, you will need to call them back and ask them what THEY consider resolved.


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