Career Path > Outages
Contractor and house techs - we need your perspective!
Since it was NukeWorker that got me the free $150, I used 65 of it to renew my Gold Membership. Thanks,!
--- Quote from: UncaBuffalo on Nov 02, 2022, 07:54 ---Since it was NukeWorker that got me the free $150, I used 65 of it to renew my Gold Membership. Thanks,!
--- End quote ---
We are looking for another 4-5 people to interview on the topic of safety in outage work for an activity in the OECD-NEA Halden HTO project. It would involve taking part in a 60-90-minute interview, held in Teams. Interviewees anonymity and personal data confidentiality is guaranteed. As before, we can pay $150 as a thank you for your time and contribution. If you're interested, please send me a message here in the forum. Thank you!
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