EnergySolutions History
EnergySolutions is an international provider of nuclear services and technologies. Formed in 2006 by merging BNG America, Duratek, Envirocare of Utah, and the D&D division of Scientech, subsequent acquisitions include Parallax Inc. (MD) and Nukem Corporation (SC), as well as Safeguard International and Reactor Sites Management Company Limited in the UK. This has brought together complementary services to form an internationally vertically integrated company, and one of the largest providers of services and technologies to safely operate nuclear facilities, as well as safely and securely transporting, processing, and disposing of radioactive materials. Below are short descriptions of the companies which comprise EnergySolutions:
BNG America -
provides nuclear design, engineering & technology, including spent fuel re-processing, and transportation and storage of spent fuel, based on experience gained from more than 40 years of nuclear experience in the US and UK.
BNG America Savannah River Corporation -
focuses on treating, storing, and disposing low-level radioactive, transuranic (TRU), and mixed hazardous waste. All waste at the Savannah River Site (SRS) that is not classified as high-level waste is the responsibility of BNG America SRC, an integrated team member of the Westinghouse Savannah River Company.
Chem-Nuclear Systems LLC-
operates the commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal facility located on 235 acres in Barnwell County, South Carolina. Since 1973, Chem-Nuclear has operated the site under contract from the State of South Carolina.
Duratek Services, Inc. -
delivers leading processing and thermal treatment technologies for nuclear & hazardous waste, including vitrification technology for the U.S. Dept. of Energy facilities, contaminated metal recycling, liquid waste processing and volume reduction, transportation of spent fuel, fuel pool services, etc.
EnergySolutions Federal Services -
provides government and commercial waste management services including transportation logistics, engineering, environmental monitoring and investigations, well services, sampling and mobile laboratories, generator services support, and integrated management.
EnergySolutions Federal Services of Hanford -
provides waste management services to the DOE Hanford site, including transportation logistics, engineering, environmental monitoring and investigations, well services, sampling and mobile laboratories, generator services support.
EnergySolutions Spent Fuel Division. -
provides cost-effective, timely solutions - from inventory management in the spent fuel pool and cask loading operations for on-site storage, to transport to the U.S. geologic repository. At any point in this cycle, we target the specific needs of customers, including commercial nuclear utilities and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Isotek Systems LLC -
A joint venture between Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Duratek Federal Services, and Theragenics for recovery of thorium-229 from uranium-233 stockpiles and preparation of ultra-pure actinium-225 and bismuth-213 for medical use.
Manufacturing Sciences Corp. -
melts, casts, rolls or machines products from many specialty metals such as steel, aluminum, uranium, tantalum, and niobium. MSC remains the sole commercial facility in the world with the capability to cast, roll and machine products from depleted uranium (DU). Website
Nukem -
offers a broad range of products and services for effective radioactive waste management: waste operations; radioactive material shipments; decommissioning and environmental restoration; consulting, engineering, design, and construction; and technology development and transfer. Website
Parallax -
provides services to the nuclear industry, with particular expertise in nuclear facility and criticality safety in power generation, fuel manufacturing, enrichment, research, reprocessing and waste storage and disposal. Website
Scientech D&D -
Provide consulting services including regulatory, and health & safety requirements to support radioactive & hazardous materials management
Uranium Disposition Services -
A joint venture formed between EnergySolutions Federal Services, Burns & Roe and AREVA Framatome specifically in response to the Department of Energy's need to process the government's inventory of depleted uranium hexafluoride (DUF6) - a material byproduct of weapons production activity - for disposal and reuse.
The DUF6 Conversion Project contract scope is to design, build, and operate two conversion-processing facilities. One facility will be located in Paducah, Kentucky; the other will be at Portsmouth, Ohio. UDS will operate these facilities following construction completion. Website
International Locations
EnergySolutions of Canada -
provides International Best Practice Radioactive Materials Management options for Canadian Radioactive Waste producers.
EnergySolutions EU Ltd. -
provides waste management and volume reduction services to UK radioactive materials management industry.
Reactor Sites Management Company Ltd. (RSMC)-
RSMC, through its subsidiary Magnox Electric Ltd, holds the contracts and licences to operate and decommission 10 nuclear sites with 22 reactors in the UK on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), the Government body responsible for the clean up and decommissioning of the UK nuclear sites previously under the ownership of BNFL.
Safeguard International Solutions, Ltd. -
collects and packages radioactive waste from clients and manages its transfer to final disposal facility. In business for more than 10 years, Safeguard has won numerous awards for its safety and best practices. Website
UK Waste Management Solutions, Ltd. -
A consortium formed between EnergySolutions, British Nuclear Group, Jacobs-Babtie, and Fluor to provide management and operations services to the UK LLW disposal site environment.