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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #25 on: Feb 21, 2006, 01:38 »
I was one of the lucky ones. I would be the nuke industry equivalent to the military's "mustangs", For those who don't know... that's an enlisted person who works their way up to commissioned officer. I started out as a laundry tech and now are a senior RP tech ::) I am grateful to the Kewaunee house techs who showed me the ropes (you know who you are!) back in the day-(1989-1991) ;). I also had the counsel of all the Apollo, Pa. road techs who made it through the 70's with a few brain cells left!(ha,ha) My hat's off to all of "yinz" who showed me the "real deal" in the nuke biz  ;) Most of all I want to thank my father(old rad tech himself) for his advice over the years. (I am "Michael" to his "Vito" if you know what I'm saying... Capish??) ::) ;D


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #26 on: Mar 08, 2006, 10:48 »
I guess I am still relatively new to the outage cycle.  Many names have helped or haunted me from the past.   And I would like to think I am still  learning....

BTW  I still tell those who dont know me at Entergy plant, "I AM Ray Fuchek !"


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #27 on: Mar 09, 2006, 08:36 »
I got all I need to know from Bruce Moffit. when when we were at SRS.
and the steel mills he told me we make a mint at.

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #28 on: Oct 29, 2006, 06:22 »
In the Yard...Rick Caulfield!  With attitude examples by Troy Nelson & Merlin 'Mac' McAfee.

Down South (the knowledge AND the attitude)...John Inman.

Gave me the Keys-to-the-ROAD!  Karen Barcal.

Provided me enlightening examples on attitude &/or priorities (on-the-job OR in life)...June Gessner, Ray Watson, Ken Larson, Bob Thomas, Sue Jones, John Zeilstra, Tom Guyer, Connie Green, Lee Severtson, Dave Barrow, Steve & Amanda Holcomb, Nancy Marx, Hal Rowberry, Doug & Rita Dempsey, Mike Goetz, Rich & Lynn Cooper, Ray Thomsen, Wendell & Lynn Baker, Christine Eyre, Bob Erickson, Al Bowman, Mark Walden, Bill Orr, Jim Knight, Dave Truman, Don Schelb, Ron Keaton, Carl Hemphill, Larry & Winnie Williams, Dale Anderson...

Taught me that stories & entertainment are very important in getting thru the job (and life) - Steve Brush, The Traveling Rowberrys, Jimmie Etue, Cam Gibson, Dean Butler, Tom Romansky, Jack Conrad, 'Doc' Gallagher, Dave Garza, Mike Ledo, Matt Bourne, Randy Schultz, Mark Yoas, Brett Chenier, Mike Dhabolt, Arlan Otto, Don Shehane, Jimmy Youngstrom, Matt Wright...

AND thanks to those who keep re-teaching me that this stuff is Mark Fry, Kathy Henry, Rick Parke, Mike Newgaard, Chris Tiemens, Rob Goodrich, Don Parker, Peggie Fagen...

modified for spelling
« Last Edit: Dec 11, 2012, 10:13 by UncaBuffalo »
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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #29 on: Jan 22, 2007, 05:25 »
When I was at Newport News Bruce Wiseman was the guy who took all of the theory that was shoved down my throat and put it into perspective.  He taught me the real deal of being a HP.  Sure would like to know what ever happened to him.

When I arrived at my first Nuke plant it was Dante Firman that helped me with the transition (not how to be a tech.).  He also showed me that a human being can drink his bodyweight and not even slur...never did catch on to that.

There have been many along the way that I will never forget and picked up a thing or two from. 

A few that have either taught me something to make me a better tech. or taught me to enjoy life a bit more along the way.  Andy Plas(one of the finest techs in the business, pure professional), Tom Roe, Tim Lawson, Mellissa Warner, Ray Statum, Mike Mayben, Larry Arnold (LA), Jeff Oliver, Phillip Key, Jeff Cook...The list could go on for a while...
« Last Edit: Feb 23, 2008, 07:55 by Brett LaVigne »
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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #30 on: Feb 13, 2007, 09:09 »
In the Yard...Rick Caufield!  With attitude examples by Troy Nelson & Merlin 'Mac' McAfee.

Down South (the knowledge AND the attitude)...John Inman.

Gave me the Keys-to-the-ROAD!  Karen Barcal.

Provided me enlightening examples on attitude &/or priorities (on-the-job OR in life)...June Gessner, Ray Watson, Ken Larson, Bob Thomas, Sue Jones, John Zeilstra, Tom Guyer, Connie Green, Lee Severtson, Dave Barrow, Steve & Amanda Holcomb, Nancy Marx, Hal Rowberry, Doug & Rita Dempsey, Mike Goetz, Rich & Lynn Cooper, Ray Thomsen, Wendell & Lynn Baker, Christine Eyre, Bob Erickson, Al Bowman, Mark Walden, Bill Orr, Jim Knight, Dave Truman, Don Schelb, Ron Keaton, Carl Hemphill, Larry & Winnie Williams, Dale Anderson...

Taught me that stories & entertainment are very important in getting thru the job (and life) - Steve Brush, The Traveling Rowberrys, Jimmie Etue, Cam Gibson, Dean Butler, Tom Romansky, Jack Conrad, 'Doc' Gallagher, Dave Garza, Mike Ledo, Matt Bourne, Randy Schultz, Mark Yoas, Brett Chenier, Mike Dhabolt, Arlan Otto, Don Shehane, Jimmy Youngstrom, Matt Wright...

AND thanks to those who keep re-teaching me that this stuff is Mark Fry, Kathy Henry, Rick Parke, Mike Newgaard, Chris Tiemens, Rob Goodrich, Don Parker, Peggie Fagen...

Addendum 1

John Bennett - taught me the value (and fun) of throwing yourself 100% into (on to?) a job...GET A LITTLE ONYA!

Doug Dempsey - First person who ever pointed out (to me) that this job is fun!  And, it is okay to admit it!

More NukeWorkers who have fun...and make it fun for meRebecca & Jon Case and James Rowsell.


« Last Edit: Feb 13, 2007, 09:15 by UncaBuffalo »
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #31 on: Nov 25, 2007, 11:16 »
...and James Rowsell.

James also taught me that valuable concept:  'The D.O.E. Filter'.  It kept me sane thru another bout of I.N.L.-silliness...
« Last Edit: Nov 26, 2007, 07:32 by UncaBuffalo »
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #32 on: Nov 25, 2007, 02:56 »
Who taught me, and what they taught me…

I’ll always hold a special place in my heart for DC Cook, and Jim Slattery, my first boss in the nuclear industry.  I was a deconner and Jim was my Forman.  I learned how to be a deconner, how to conform to the rules of the nuclear industry, and was introduced to my nuclear career.

I met Eric Laning and Ed Young at Battelle in Columbus; they inspired me to be more than just a deconner.  I cannot imagine how my life might have been without their inspiration.  They continued to be instrumental in my career development for several important years.

Tim Lawson helped me study at LANL, where we took our radiological knowledge to a new level.

I helped run a D&D project in Minnesota, writing their entire Radiological Program, and managing it from start to finish.  This gave me confidence in my abilities as a radiological engineer, and satisfaction in my career.

Jim Berger is one of my favorite people in the nuclear industry, he taught me most everything I know about MARSSIM, and final status surveys.

Marty Erickson and Ed Carl will always be remembered for their faith and confidence in me, and the job opportunities they have given me.

I have had a very rewarding career, and the people above are only the tip of the iceberg, there are too many people to list them all.
« Last Edit: Nov 25, 2007, 02:57 by Rennhack »

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #33 on: Nov 26, 2007, 10:20 »
Naturally, we all learn something from almost everybody (good or bad) but the people that actually taught me my craft were Lt. Cmdr. Armand Nice (Ret.) who got out of the Navy (where he was actively involved in running the qualification process) just in time to teach me the basic skills and knowledge I needed and Dave Bares (RIP) who showed me what an outage ought to be (1976 style.) There were a lot of others, but those two set the stage for me.
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Joe Ferguson

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #34 on: Nov 26, 2007, 03:27 »
Years ago, as a Junior HP tech, you would be assigned to work with and for a Senior HP tech.  This is how you learned to be a HP - not by watching monitors. 
The guy that I will remember most as I was trying to get my footing in this business was named Marshall - he was my Sr. HP for the entire outage.  Sadly, I do not remember Marshall's last name after all these years.
As an outage long protege for Marshall, he taught me that being a good Jr. HP included:
 - always source checking your Sr's meters
 - always change out the A/S on time (so your Sr. doesn't get flack)
 - listening and not talking
 - be respectful of other peoples work
 - if you are afraid of the work, you can't protect them
 - making sure the coffee is fresh

Marshall did take the time to explain the 'whens' and 'why's' for most of what we did.  He also trusted me to cover different types of jobs, knowing full well that I would make a couple of mistakes before I finished.   

If your out there Marshall - thanks.



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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #35 on: Nov 27, 2007, 10:24 »
I seem to learn more from everyone I run into on the job.  Good and bad of course, just try not to repeat the bad. 


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #36 on: Nov 28, 2007, 08:27 »
,,,USS Nimitz, 1981- MAX PARITY was my biggest influence, along with Rum Runner.....after the canoe club, made that Farley trip in 85',,Larry Paul Werner, and Rick Gordie...along with Paul Harlos,,part of that Mississippi Mafia......learned some supervisory skills from Gerald Parker ( God rest his soul).....changed Hard hats and went that Master-Lee route and John Ritzo/ Chuck Ridings taught me how to move fuel..Mel Sisk taught me how to listen and learn....and SPANKY taught me how to make a lot of money, walking around with a green hard

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #37 on: Nov 28, 2007, 09:56 »
Shovel Head Red and my parents taught me that no matter where you are in life, high or low, God always walks right next to you.

Dana Houston, Bobby McKinney, Joe Worley, Bob Finn, John Belanger, Steve Karls, Terry Schultz, Dan McCormick, Tom Hansche, Tony Hall, Jeff Gyger, and John Anthony helped me cut my teeth in my younger years as a Tech.

Rob Grant, Kenny Gaynor, Gerald Parker helped me in my early time as a manager.

Russ Hall, Ray Roseberry, Todd Griggs, and Jim Foster taught me that even if you are the only one on the project that ISNT a redneck, you can all still get along. Spent 4.5 years with those gentlemen and enjoyed it.

Tom Roe, Paul Kellogg, and Ted Maine taught me how to golf...Well, Paul and Tom did anyway... :P

Last but not least, I am currently learning something new from the honorable Beer Court.... :-\ , Bud Broom, and an old name....Bill Hagger.

« Last Edit: Nov 29, 2007, 10:40 by DaveWarren »

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #38 on: Nov 28, 2007, 10:26 »

   Joe Bianconi, CHP..."Have you actually read ICRP 60?"


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #39 on: Nov 28, 2007, 11:59 »
Still learning.......... Still a Jr.
But here are the ones and what I have learned so far. Been in the business a mere five years.

Denny Lozinski- Everything RPing
Dave McDaniels- How to not take crap off of people
Connie Mac- How to handle people and smile even when they make you angry
Stuart Fenton- Everything instrumental
Mike Pressley-(not gonna tell)


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #40 on: Nov 29, 2007, 07:02 »
Heck  Im still a learnin


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #41 on: Nov 29, 2007, 08:40 »
Bill Ferguson, Jerry Denton, Tommy Haddon, Steve "Big Sexy", Pat Abbott, Kent Hedges, Terry Rodgers, Daniel Boone the 7th (honest he really was the 7th gen. Daniel Boone), Adel Edwards.

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #42 on: Nov 30, 2007, 02:53 »
I started in 1981 as a deconner so I think I was taught by working around a lot of good people throught the years as decon which in turn taught me a little about the RP world,because during the years I've worked and learned from some great RP's. I think there is alot of good tech. out there that remembers the Silkwood days so to speek,my thinks goes out to all the good Techs ( Rp and Decon ) such as IB Strange, Don Morrow Leon Peak, Harvey Price,G Lewallen,Tim Nix and a list of others to long to list, but mostly for the opportunity to work in the business and learn from some good people.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #43 on: Nov 30, 2007, 11:16 »
The Arkansas gang Billy Bob Sprinkle, James Ames and Margaret Martin taught me to decon. As a Jr I remember a few of my mentors like Kathy Kneasle (sp), Rick Gordie and Marshall Hudson, there were also other great techs along the road, some of them taught  more than how to swing a meter like Joe Kiman, Richard Helm, Hanche, Steve Karls, Dan McCormick, Jim Peters, Belinda from Oyster Creek, Sandy Dagata, Barbara Sullivan, Gibbys, Marc Ashworth and the tech who taught me to the laugh the most was Renee Onarato(sp) from Louisiana god she was funny..


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #44 on: Nov 30, 2007, 07:52 »
I forgot to mention one more, my best friend Rebecca Davidson, the most  ::) beautiful RadCon in the industry.  What a woman.


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #45 on: Dec 18, 2007, 10:00 »
Wow my brain is hurtin bad

Norfolk Naval Shipyard - Dave Bankos, "mini brain muther focker" Mr.Mines, Don Anderson, Fast Eddy, 

Browns Nuclear Ferry Plant - Pinky Hensley, Paul Perue, Miss Jane, P.O. Brown, Perry Bird, Marty Hazel, Mevin Pervis (how not to treat people) 

Riverbend - Wayne Hardy, Pinky again, Bob Tunstall, Chuck F as in Friend Fantacci, Ed Cargill ( how to be paranoid) Snowman, Bill Spell, Max Casada (how to party with 20 something chicks when you are in your 50's) Sammy Bogus (how to enjoy the creeks and rivers)

South Texas - Doc Earls, Gordon Williams, John Inman ( how to remain cool no matter what)

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #46 on: Dec 18, 2007, 11:39 »
As others have said, I've learned quite a bit good and bad over the years.  The names that readily come to mind, Pete Shonkwiler, RD Troja, Don Feddern, several of the house folks at Susquehanna and Calvert.  Bill Parish, Steve Lancaster, a few of the region 1 NRC folks and I'm sure others that I'm forgetting due to my sometimers disease.
And now a new chapter is soon to open.
« Last Edit: Dec 18, 2007, 05:26 by BeerCourt »
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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #47 on: Dec 18, 2007, 01:26 »
Duke Power Initial HP/Chemistry Training Class 81-01: Instructors Les Stallings, Walter "Hoppy" Hopkinson and Harry "HJ" Sloan.

Harry later transferred over to McGuire (where he's now a staff health physicist) , and would often  "hit me cold turkey", somewhat blind-sided, with a question (or questions) requiring that I explain the "who", "what", "when", "where" and "why" of HP procedures and nuclear power plant systems (both primary and secondary) and their inter-relationships.

At first, I wondered "Why is he giving me such a hard-time with these 'pop quizzes'?", but then I came to realize that it was his way of making me learn nuclear power health physics. Thanks Harry! I'm trying to be the same type of instructor you have been:  "Make the students learn!"
« Last Edit: Dec 19, 2007, 04:41 by SST »

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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #48 on: Dec 19, 2007, 04:49 »
Well my brain is shot but after more than 26 years the list is so long this site couldnt hold the names of everyone that has helped me learn the ins and outs of the nuclear world. The one that really sticks in my mind is Rick Davidson. He taught me when I was a deconner in 1981. If I remember correctly I would do his work while he wrote formulas and definitions on the back of a SOP. Then he would let me study the SOP while he was on break then we would start over when break was over. Me doing the coverage and he would be writing my next lesson. also Bill Mahoney (RIP Uncle Billy) and Joe Kiman and Wayne Dees taught me at ANO on my last Jr.job in 1984. They let me cover every job in Ctmt. while they watched me from the control point. Thanks all.


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Re: Who Taught you?
« Reply #49 on: Dec 20, 2007, 12:43 »

didnt dee byrd,davey wells and the" WINO "teach you a few thingd also????




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