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Who Taught you?

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--- Quote from: scotoma on Apr 26, 2019, 08:46 ---I got my basics in the Navy, but I can attribute my commercial learning to many. First of all, I have to thank Chuck Pierce for giving me the opportunity to get into the business. If you were loyal to Chuck, he took care of his techs, going well beyond what was required. Pete DiChiara, (an incredible technical mind), John Oetken, Jim Ledford, Frank Visosky, Bob Vogel, Gene Imbimbo, Bernie Barker, Pete Rannels, and later on Chris Wend (another incredible technical mind). There are main more and I'm sorry if I didn't mention you, but quite frankly, at 69, I've forgotten too much. Then there were several, that will remain nameless that tought what not to do. And then of course there was trial and error. Maybe not friends, but good teachers.

--- End quote ---

   I am a few years behind you but a lot of these names I had forgotten and made me smile for a number of reasons. Gold fish in the heels of disco shoes, one whose kids who maintained A averages while on the road, practical jokes at work and parties after. Most of what I learned after the Navy had little to do with anything technical.


John Oetken is a heck of a good guy.

I'll double down on that, J.O.s disposition is super, learned a lot from him at Fermi.

I'll go with Dr Jay Rencher in Idaho Falls. Class 7408.

Al Eidson:
Mark Rubin, Ronnie Hernandez, Bob Otey and many more back in the good ole days of IRM and cash per diem. Every outage was a learning exercise. We had many a good time and someone always had your back and the job was always covered.


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