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Common Used Acronyms

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retired nuke:
CFT - Can't Fu...oh wait, that's on another thread..... ;)

TVGV-Throttle valve, govenor valve
SRD-Shutdown Rod Drive
HPI-High Pressure Injection
LPI-Low Pressure Injection
HPSI-Low Pressure Safety Injection
LDST-Letdown storage tank
PORV-Pressure Operated Relief Valve
RxB-Reactor Building
LUST-Letdown or local Upper surge tank or could be that feeling I had for that pretty lady I met a pilgram on outage
LLRT-Local Leak Rate Test
LOFT-that place you sleep sometimes or leak off flood tank
CFT- core flood tank or condensate feed tank
CRDM-Control Rod Drive Mechanism
OTSG-Once Through Steam Generator
NDA-Don't know
UT/PT-Ultrasonic Testing/Penetrant testing
LLW-Low Level Waste

--- Quote from: Lorrie Henson on Aug 30, 2009, 09:19 ---HPSI --- shouldn't this be High Pressure Safety Injection instead of "Low"?

--- End quote ---

I would agree with that,

HPSI/LPSI pronunced hipsee and lipsee are terms I recall from working at BWR's for high or low pressure safety injection. I have also seen HPCI/LPCI which is the same thing but refers to core injection directly. HPI/LPI are basically the same systems but are system designations from B&W PWR plants.

maybe helps a little


awesome thread, thanks !

There is also....

HPCS- High Pressure Core Spray (pronounced hipcuss)
LPCS- Low Pressure Core Spray (pronounced lipcuss)

ADHR- Alternate Decay Heat Removal

Posing a question here ....  Another RP and I disagree on the acronym uR/hr as it pertains to the Ludlum Model-19.  Is it micro REM or micro Roentgen?


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