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Offline NukePuke

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Oak Ridge Scientific Associate
« on: Aug 11, 2023, 08:38 »
Howdy, all. I was just contacted by ORNL HR to screen for two different Scientific Associate positions (req #11061 and 10858). One is for the High Pressure Sample Environment Group, the other is for the High Flux Isotope Reactor.

My questions are mainly centered around where I can go inside of ORNL and what work would I be able to grow in to? I'm interested in robotics and automation and have applied to a few fuel manufacturing positions with no luck. Day-to-day at either department is also something there seems to be little information on.

Appreciate anyone who can give me some insight.

Offline Marlin

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Re: Oak Ridge Scientific Associate
« Reply #1 on: Aug 11, 2023, 10:12 »
Howdy, all. I was just contacted by ORNL HR to screen for two different Scientific Associate positions (req #11061 and 10858). One is for the High Pressure Sample Environment Group, the other is for the High Flux Isotope Reactor.

My questions are mainly centered around where I can go inside of ORNL and what work would I be able to grow in to? I'm interested in robotics and automation and have applied to a few fuel manufacturing positions with no luck. Day-to-day at either department is also something there seems to be little information on.

Appreciate anyone who can give me some insight.

There are many facilities at ORNL. Last time I checked it had the fastest computer on the planet. They 3D printed a working Shelby Cobra. I recommend getting on site then looking around. ORNL is a much better choice compared to Y-12 just across the ridge. Both do some interesting work, but Y-12 is more of an industrial site with production a priority while ORNL is partnered with the University of Tennessee and has more of a campus environment.


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