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Author Topic: Work outages then collect unemployment between jobs........How does this work?  (Read 4602 times)

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Offline nortron53

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Hey Everyone,

Ran into a couple of people (at work) that have done this in the past and was wondering how this actually works?  I'm in NY state btw.

Thank You for responding

Offline Rennhack

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Works the same way unemployment always works.

When you are not employed, you go to your local office and file a claim.  IF you work in more than one state, it is a multi-state claim.

Your question was very vague and open ended, so without a more specific question, that's the best answer that I can give you.  Search this site, and you will find more specific answers to more specific questions about it.

Had you searched, you would have found 'About 1,970 results'.

Thanks for posting, and welcome to
« Last Edit: Mar 15, 2024, 02:29 by Rennhack »

Offline GLW

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  • caveo proditor,...
be wary of NYS Tax and Finance looking to double tax your earnings,...

it's not the credits you can get, it's the computers at NYS Tax and Finance being prone to errors,...

and the computers send the notices,...

and to talk with a person can take awhile,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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