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Author Topic: A/O Trainee Testing P.O.S.S  (Read 5844 times)

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Offline TuneBuggy

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A/O Trainee Testing P.O.S.S
« on: Apr 24, 2014, 09:20 »
I have been fortunate enough to receive the chance to take the Plant Operator Selection System Test next Friday. I have no previous experience in this field, but I am mechanical and have a good mind. This would be a great opportunity for myself not to mention my family as well. I have been doing any practice tests that I can find and have been reading a lot on this forum. I have found a TON of useful information from what everyone has posted. I wanted to thank everyone who has posted on here to help people like myself. What I am looking for is someones brain who I could pick who has been there before and has experience. I'm more than willing to put in the time for the next week to prepare myself for this test and would appreciate anything that anyone has to offer me. Thank you all.

Offline needanukecareer

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Re: A/O Trainee Testing P.O.S.S
« Reply #1 on: Apr 26, 2014, 08:48 »
What tests are you using? How is your performance? Are you having plenty of time to spare after you answer the questions? Are you answering the vast majority of the questions correctly? If you are taking the ASVAB practice tests or the POSS practice and answered yes to all of the other questions with exception to "how is your performance?", you have a really good chance of passing the test.

Btw, I'm no expert. I'm not even experienced. But I have taken and passed the POSS. I firmly believe that education level will play a very small part in passing the POSS test. Experience can help with some modules. However, it's an aptitude test. Anyone with a high aptitude, a good degree of logic, reasoning ability, critical thinking, and common sense, can pass the test. 

Bottom line is, you either grasp it, or you do not. 


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