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Author Topic: POSS (Power Plant Operator Selection System) Test  (Read 495423 times)

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Re: taking the poss test
« Reply #50 on: Mar 31, 2008, 08:28 »
Did you use the ASVAB study guide?  I am currently reviewing this and taking the practice tests in this book.  They are much more difficult than the practice tests that I pulled from the company web site that I am interviewing with.


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Re: the poss test and interview
« Reply #51 on: Mar 31, 2008, 08:39 »
Thanks for all of the feedback.  Since I only own one suite, I am obviously going to wear that in the interview which is the day after the test.  For the POSS, I am wearing khaki pants, a nice shirt and tie, and a sport coat.  Since I already have a scheduled interview, I think this should work well.


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Re: taking the poss test
« Reply #52 on: Mar 31, 2008, 09:34 »
No I didnt use the ASVAB practice tests.  Someone suggested that, but looking back on it now the company practice test are fine.  Like I said they are identical to the full blown test just shorter, and you will see the stuff from the practice tests on the POSS/MOSS test.  We're ruttin for ya.  You shouldnt have any problems though from what weve read youll do just fine.


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Re: taking the poss test
« Reply #53 on: Mar 31, 2008, 11:44 »
I didnt use the asvab tests either just the practice tests. But to just warn you the real test is a little harder, longer, and the math section will contain more than just conversions. It also has basic algebra and some word problems on it also (at least mine did) that I did not find on the practice tests. Good luck, its not that hard of a test just very fast paced. Keep timing yourself to go as fast as possible but maintain accuracy and you'll do just fine!


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Re: the poss test and interview
« Reply #54 on: Mar 31, 2008, 11:46 »
good luck with everything. as far as your clothing choice, good one, I did the exact same thing and got the job.


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Re: taking the poss test
« Reply #55 on: Mar 31, 2008, 12:35 »
I think I am going to lay off the ASVAB a little.  It is getting in depth on things like general science (vertibrea and invertibrae, plant and cell life, ect) and I think that is not really on this test from what I have read.  I'll stick to the math and general physics stuff like the things that are on the practice tests.  The funny thing is, the company is suggesting using the ASVAB.  I am doing great on the practice tests so I will keep up on those.


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Re: taking the poss test
« Reply #56 on: Apr 01, 2008, 08:26 »
You can also go to the NRC web site and get a practice POSS test to take.  I highly suggest doing this to prep as well.  Good Luck.

Rad Sponge

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Re: taking the poss test
« Reply #57 on: Apr 01, 2008, 12:27 »
Where on is the POSS info?

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Re: taking the poss test
« Reply #58 on: Apr 01, 2008, 01:37 »
These are EEI exams (Edison Electric Institute)
Practice exams are available at

progress / practice to log in

A brief search on the web and nukeworker leads to more information.... ;)

I don't believe that the NRC has anything to do with these exams.....
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Re: taking the poss test
« Reply #59 on: Apr 01, 2008, 04:10 »
The tests here are the same as the ones that the company I applied for lists on their web site.  I just heard that the POSS is about the same as the practice tests except for the math, which has more algerbra.  The POSS is also longer than the practice.


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Re: taking the poss test
« Reply #60 on: Apr 01, 2008, 04:21 »
Whoops sorry about that I referenced the wrong website.  I found it under the site.  I had been searching the NRC site prior and thought I saw it there.  sorry for the confusion.
« Last Edit: Apr 01, 2008, 04:23 by wolfxoman »

Don Obiyae

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Re: Power Plant Operator Selection System Test - Help!
« Reply #61 on: Apr 11, 2008, 11:56 »
I know these results don't necessarily matter after one is hired, but is there a way to find out how well/poorly you performed on these tests?

Rad Sponge

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Re: Power Plant Operator Selection System Test - Help!
« Reply #62 on: Apr 12, 2008, 07:31 »
I believe that the exams are the sole property of the company interviewing you.

Don Obiyae

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Re: Power Plant Operator Selection System Test - Help!
« Reply #63 on: Apr 17, 2008, 09:05 »
But will you be able to find out your results?


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Re: Power Plant Operator Selection System Test - Help!
« Reply #64 on: Apr 17, 2008, 09:36 »
IIRC TVA will tell you what jobs you are qualified to bid based on your POSS, but not your score.
DTE would not do anything but tell you that you did not pass. Then they'd send you home. DTE grades the test as you take it.


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Re: Power Plant Operator Selection System Test - Help!
« Reply #65 on: Apr 18, 2008, 10:07 »
I have taken the POSS/MASS for Entergy, Southern Power and TVA so far.  Southern Edison wanted me to take the test and we tried to get Entergy to send them (it was the most recent) but I never got a response.  Entergy and Southern had a call in saying pass or fail.  TVA actually sent a letter identifying the areas passed or failed.  I have also taken a TECH test for Southern and TVA.  It is just a watered down version of the POSS/MASS.  All of them were very similar to the ASVABs if you are familiar with them.  Don
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Re: the poss test and interview
« Reply #66 on: May 12, 2008, 11:55 »
For all of my interviews i wore khaki pants and a nice polo shirt. Everyone else had slacks and ties. Everyone that interviewed me had polos on. Not saying it helped, but I did get offers at all of those places.


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POSS Clarification
« Reply #67 on: Jun 30, 2008, 11:16 »
So I've been reading through as many threads as I can find about the POSS test, and I've gathered some conflicting information. I'm scheduled to take the test in about two weeks and would like to have a good idea of the format and timing ahead of walking into the room and beginning.

Q1: Does each company/plant get to set their own time constraints for the test modules? I've so far read 4 minutes for the math section, 7 minutes for the math section, and 22 minutes for the math section.

Q2: How many total math problems are there in all three sections? I've read from 40 to 60.

Q3: Since the EEI practice test doesn't include a thing about line drawing, where could I find a resource to give me an idea of the format and requirements for that portion?

Q4: A detailed description of how many sections there are and approximately how much time is allowed for each section would be great, thanks  ;D

Of course, if each company gets to choose how and what kind of test it wants to administer, this may be why I'm getting so many conflicting accounts. If it helps, I'll be taking the test for Entergy to get on as an AO trainee at Arkansas Nuclear One.


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Re: POSS Clarification
« Reply #68 on: Jul 02, 2008, 10:51 »
I don't know if this will be able to help you much, but it's something. I took the POSS test with Entergy 2 years ago. I just used the practice test on the eei website using the user name and password as pen/pencil. I believe there were 2 or 3 different math sections. All easy problems, but a lot of questions in a short amount of time. The hardest part was the area where you need to decide which way a gear will turn, or what pieces and parts you need to make a shape. Its not that hard, but you will feel the time pressure. Just remember they want to see how many right answers in the shortest amount of time you get. If you don't know it move on. Like I said, I don't know if it will help.


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Re: POSS Clarification
« Reply #69 on: Jul 03, 2008, 12:17 »
Oh it does, thank you for the information. I'm trying to prepare myself for various possible scenarios, and am having friends put together math quizzes for me. The only module of which I can't find an example is the line drawing. Any leads there?

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Re: POSS Clarification
« Reply #70 on: Jul 05, 2008, 06:31 »
I took the test 4 weeks ago. Don't worry about the real time of the test, just do the times that the practice times tell you to use and it will be proportional. All the practice tests are very similar to the actual test with the exception of the math portion having some basic algebra. All the problems are a variation of   x=?   5x + 10 = 30 all pretty easy. So just time yourself with the practice tests and you will be used to the pressure. There were 3 sections of the math portion in which I didnt even get to the third section and I still passed. Hope this helps.


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Re: POSS Clarification
« Reply #71 on: Jul 06, 2008, 12:10 »
Thank you for the recent information. I'm trying to prepare myself as much as possible. Since I have just shy of three weeks until I take it, I have a lot more time than I was expecting!

I am wondering though - I've still yet to see anyone address the line drawing module and none of the practice tests cover it. Could anyone describe what it will require?


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« Reply #72 on: Jul 17, 2008, 09:55 »
I'm new to the site and I want to say its very helpful.  And there are some great people on here with alot of great advice.  I work in an Oil Ref. now and I'm trying to get hired into the Nuclear feild.  Some of the guys I've worked with have left our company and joined the Nuclear feild.  I wanted to know how many times you can take the POSS test in a year?  I'm tring to apply for two different locations and I wanted to know if I failed at one place can I take the test at the other?


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« Reply #73 on: Jul 17, 2008, 10:51 »
As long as the two locations aren't in the same utility. And even then, if they scheduled it twice, they could give it twice.

My advice for POSS study is get as ASVAB study guide. Not exactly the same, but similar. Time yourself on the math sections and get good speed with great accuracy for best results on the POSS.
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« Reply #74 on: Jul 17, 2008, 02:18 »
I was in the Army and I passed the Asvab test before.  I have my A&P Mechanic lic. through college.  We studied alot about Turbines and all.  I think that might be a plus for me.

And thanks for the reply.


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