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Author Topic: Author seeking nuclear engineer to interview for book  (Read 861 times)

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Offline stirfryguy

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Hello! I just found this forum and it seemed like the perfect place to humbly ask for help.

I am a novelist working on a new novel in which nuclear power is a semi-major plot point. I am a professional author with 5 published books and a decent reader base; writing is how I make a living. I mention this to reassure you that I take this seriously and will respect your time should you graciously choose to offer it :)

I realize that "nuclear engineer" is a broad term that can cover many jobs in this massive industry. I believe that what I need is someone who knows how commercial power-generation reactors work—what they can and can't do, the ins and outs of daily life at a power generation plant, and the safety standards in that sector.

If this sounds like your background and you'd be willing to chat with me for an hour or so, please let me know! I promise to come to the interview well-prepared so as to make efficient use of your time!

Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to offer—it's greatly appreciated.


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