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High Temperature Precision Actuator
« on: Jul 31, 2024, 10:02 »
Hey everyone, I am a mechanical engineer specializing in fluid power. I have been developing a high temperature actuator that can hold 0.005 inch positional precision, at a range of force (the prototype will be 1000lbf), at 1000-1500 degrees F. I'm getting to the point with my project where I have sort of created a solution to a problem that I think exists, but may not. People have been assuring me that "if I build it, they will come" but I really need some concrete industries to land this technology in.

I am hoping that someone here can help give me some design guidance that would help make this technology work better in the nuclear industry. I have the base deign complete, so it's at the point where I can start customizing it to the needs/standards of this industry.

Whatever help can be offered would be greatly appreciated!


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