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Author Topic: How to land an instrumentation technician job in nuclear power plant  (Read 3690 times)

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Offline sino8609

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Hello everyone, 

I need your help and tips to get a job at a nuclear power plant. My background - I have a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and have been working as an instrumentation technician in an alumina refinery for almost 8 years. Prior to that, I had worked as an electrical engineer in coal-fired power plant construction. 

I have applied for instrumentation technician positions, but it is hard to get hired since I don't have experience in nuclear power plants. 

Are there any certifying bodies that conduct examinations and certifications in the nuclear power plant industry? 

I would really appreciate your responses and tips. 


Offline Coaster

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I'm not in I&C but as far as I know the place I'm at doesn't necessarily require nuclear plant experience, at least that's what it says on the job postings I see.

One other option might be to apply for auxiliary/non-licensed/outplant operator jobs. The requirements could be lower and after you get through your two-year apprenticeship you could move over to I&C. I've known operators who've done this.

Good luck.


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