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Author Topic: Chinese nuclear-powered submarine sank this year, US official says  (Read 934 times)

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Offline Marlin

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The US also sank a submarine at a pier in 1969. The USS Guitarro SSN-665 Sank at a pier in the Mare Island shipyard. Separate yard groups had some control of the ships ballast one trying to maintain a zero bubble and the other trying to lower the bow to accommodate some maintenance, did not end well as the forward hatch was submerged and started flooding. With cables and hoses blocking the hatches there was no way to stop the sub from sinking. In 1971 I was in class 71-2 at Nuclear Power school in Mare Island. We took a tour of the Guitarro. The ships force was not happy to see a bunch of baby Nukes walking through the sub.

Chinese nuclear-powered submarine sank this year, US official says


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