Career Path > General
I have not been in a commercial plant since the early 90s. I have been retired (semi-retired) for the last 13 years. I keep up with everything nuclear for my own curiosity not just for "Nuclear News". It occurs to me that I have not seen INPO in any of the articles I have read recently. I remember Senators who when talking to the NRC questioning them why they were not following INPO recommendations. Very annoying to the regulators, I am sure.
Does INPO still have the teeth they use to have?
Yes. Yes they do. The teeth have gotten sharper.
--- Quote from: Rennhack on Nov 08, 2024, 03:43 ---Yes. Yes they do. The teeth have gotten sharper.
--- End quote ---
Sad, especially now with the trend to modify regulations for the wide variety of newer nuclear plants. Just my opinion but they seemed like another level of bureaucracy that was not held accountable but used by politicians. No responsibility for results, too many chefs spoil the broth. Don't know where it is now but it was heavily populated by ex-Navy.
"That's just my opinion I could be wrong" -Dennis Miller
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