Career Path > Security, FFD
Blew hot in 2001. Really need advice on getting back in FAC
I went to Surry in spring of 2021. Drank the night before a little too much and blew hot the next day and had to leave. The guy in charge was very nice and explained it was barely eover the limit and wouldn't even have been enough for a DUI but nuke plants are more strict. And he said I messed up because I didn't eat breakfast. Anything I can do now instead of waiting another 2 years?
Anyway, Dominion owns Surry and I was told I'm on the outs with them for five years. Any other companies with a less strict time limit or is this a federal issue? I see Holtec owns Palisades for example. I wouldn't even mind working at Palisades permanently.
Here's the thing- went though a rough divorce and I want to get out of this town and preferably this state. I have no ties here and can't stand this place. I'm 57 and basically want to start fresh somewhere else. I want to do nuclear very badly but am open to other FAC jobs. ANY advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!
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