Career Path > Security, FFD
Psychology Test (Clinical Interview) Renewal
So, it’s time to renew my critical group access; I believe the requirement is every 5 years. No worries right? I schedule my pai test and clinical interview. Complete the pai test now it’s time for the clinical interview.I’ve completed several psych interviews but none like this one before. The psychiatrist was cold but consistently ask me questions related to drinking, speeding tickets and credit history. I have no record or any crime.. I did have some credit challenges some years back an inform her that was old news. She states yes I’m looking at your PHQ and continuing asking me about credit debt. I inform her ma’am I don’t have debt any longer I have a balance I pay like the normal person. I’m not sure how I did on this clinical interview but I found it bit intrusive and over the top I been in the role for 5 years for some young lady to just interrogate me about 900$ debt on my credit years ago. Never been arrested never had dui or anything related to drinking or failed FFD, yet I was not ask about my normal personality or hobbies. She stated the site will make final decisions on her recommendation. Not sure what this mean for my status of my job I’m furious
--- Quote from: turnwhips on Jan 08, 2025, 03:35 ---So, it’s time to renew my critical group access; I believe the requirement is every 5 years. No worries right? I schedule my pai test and clinical interview. Complete the pai test now it’s time for the clinical interview.I’ve completed several psych interviews but none like this one before. The psychiatrist was cold but consistently ask me questions related to drinking, speeding tickets and credit history. I have no record or any crime.. I did have some credit challenges some years back an inform her that was old news. She states yes I’m looking at your PHQ and continuing asking me about credit debt. I inform her ma’am I don’t have debt any longer I have a balance I pay like the normal person. I’m not sure how I did on this clinical interview but I found it bit intrusive and over the top I been in the role for 5 years for some young lady to just interrogate me about 900$ debt on my credit years ago. Never been arrested never had dui or anything related to drinking or failed FFD, yet I was not ask about my normal personality or hobbies. She stated the site will make final decisions on her recommendation. Not sure what this mean for my status of my job I’m furious
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Perhaps consider that the interviewer was not as interested in the answer to the questions as to how you responded. My BossLady is in a human reliability program at a DOE site and has to undergo these periodically. In lieu of a taking the MMPI to expedite my access at a plant, and concerns that the grader had connections to the outgoing contractor we had interviews by a physiatrist. His first statement was he found it interesting that we were interviewing with him as he was the one who committed people for the county. Yes, I had a reaction initially which is I am sure what he wanted.
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