I realize there were problems at Zion. I also know that "facts" changed over time at other plants:
When I was hired at Turkey Point in 1996, one of the "facts" was the plants would be shutdown if the S/G's required replacement again. The SGRP had cost as much as the original construction, and they weren't going to do it again, and this was a fact at that time. The plant had a negative history, but was much better in the 90's.
Rate analysis said the cheapest power source in S. FLA. was combined cycle natural gas powered units, so those would be put in place if Turkey Point Nuclear was shutdown.
With the current demand for natural gas and electricity, Turkey Point is viewed as a gold mine instead of marginally profitable. It turns out S/G are a good investment!

When TVA shut down all nuclear plants (who said hiring an Admiral was the way to fix TVAN anyway!) it decided to start them back up one at a time. The "facts" at the time were that there wasn't enough demand to restart BFN1, and even if demand picked up it would be cheaper to use fossil fuel. Now over $1 Billion is being spent to restart Browns Ferry Unit 1, in response to increased demand for electricity and concerns over air pollution in the Smoky Mountains. The next step is consideration of new nuclear generation for TVA and license extension for all TVAN that doesn't have it yet.

The facts at the time of Zion's closure made sense; I wonder if the decision would be different today with the new facts?