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Author Topic: Sandia  (Read 18356 times)

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« on: Jun 01, 2005, 09:55 »
Ok...What's Up at Sandia?


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Re: Sandia
« Reply #1 on: Jun 02, 2005, 05:29 »
Bartlett was recently awarded the decon contract (I don't know what other areas the contract covers). I don't know what they're paying or what they have coming up. Best bet, call the office and talk to Marie or Anne.
« Last Edit: Jun 02, 2005, 06:15 by halflifer »


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Re: Sandia
« Reply #2 on: Jun 02, 2005, 09:04 »
I have been at Sandia now since May 2, 2005 still winding up qualifications I have oral boards next week.  I am here with Enercon they are one of eight contractors who have contracts for facility support (House/Contractor).  Bartlett has a six month contract that does require a Q clearence there is only one tech on site for Bartlett at this time.  Sandia needs many technicians but not under the short contracts they need people to come here and stay, someone could retire here if they chose to, in fact there are a few techs here that have been here for 12 years.  I have been a long time Bartlett tech but at the time I spoke with Anne my clearence was inactive so she said I had to have an active Q.  This place is great if you want exposure to the military's nuclear weapons program and research.  DOE is a different animal from commercial and these jobs last.

Last Call

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Re: Sandia
« Reply #3 on: Jun 06, 2005, 04:19 »
Alexio you are obviously still in training!  First impressions are usually good ones, new job, new area, lots of new things!  After you’re qualified it's a whole different game.  It will be interesting to see your opinion after a few months in the field!  Remember you are filling the vacancy created by the EXIT of another Technician.  Moving up, or moving out is the priority for most Techs at Sandia!  Some members believe the field Technician staff, to number in the hundreds.  The actual number is closer to 50, Total!  If you wish to draw the proper perspective of what the place is like, (fact based), check out the turnover rate, it's very impressive!  Sort of tells you why they have multiple companies trying to staff and they still aren't successful!  If you ask why the other Techs bailed, the canned excuse offered is, " The area just didn't agree with them "!  The actual answer will become evident to you in a very short time period!  By the way, those people standing outside the base are actually homeless people, not Techs waiting for a job!     

A twelve year tech at Sandia?  True, their may be a couple, but a Sandia Tech of twelve years, will still be a Tech in twelve more!  Advancement opportunities beyond Lead Technicain, are none existent!  The primary method for advancement, is to leave the career field and the department!  You are also correct on your assumption that they need people to stay, but the present attitude towards Technicians, from the  Dysfunctional, Anti Quated management team, has produced the current situation, which appears to be getting worst! 

High Tech Stuff?  Exposure to the Military Nuclear Weapons Program?  Actually I have more exposure from where I'm sitting today, 1000 miles away!  While at Sandia, most of the information shared on these venue's, were displayed in the local news paper!  Only a hand full of techs, we're actually exposed to a very small facet of the programs and on rare occasions!  Maybe you will be one of the luck one's!  If your expectations exceed anything other than the “Basic Junior RCT Stuff ", you better not unpack! 

The Janitor Joke!  Unless you have been to Sandia, you really won’t know the joke surrounding the RCT's vs. Janitors.  Apparently a past program manager, (top dog), publicly announced that RCT's we're considered equivalent to a Janitors, entry level positions!  Obviously this Bozo had no idea what Techs did for a living.  Even Sandia requires three years experience to perform the duties.  I guess he just assumed we sat on a shelf somewhere, aging like a fine wine!  The Janitor concept has not gone away!  The Rad Protection management types, have not allowed it to die!  In fact, it is promoted and you will hear it time and time again!  If you didn't hear the joke, within the first five days on site, that would be a first! 

Actually, Sandia pretty much summed up the value they place on new addition to their program!

Relocation Reimbursement....ZERO!
Travel Reimbursement....ZERO!
Not One Thin Red Cent! 

Other things to considerin the Sandia Area:

Taxes:  YES, State, Local and Sales!  Recently they dropped the Sales Tax on food, BUT Increased everything else!



Climate:  Desert, Desert......More Desert!

Favorite Area Past Time:  Like it's a Surprise, Creating Hot Air!

Career Advancement Opportunities:  Los Alamos, heard their hiring a bunch!

In any case, good luck to all who venture on this Quest!
« Last Edit: Jun 06, 2005, 04:24 by Last Call »


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Re: Sandia
« Reply #4 on: Jun 06, 2005, 09:20 »
I don't believe LC was capping people like you and me who've tried the upward mobility thing and found out we didn't like it. I think he was going after Sandia because there is no option for moving up in the RC/HP program there.

Last Call

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Re: Sandia
« Reply #5 on: Jun 08, 2005, 04:40 »
Halflifer, Good Catch!     ;)

ST, I couldn't agree with you more, especially the Advertisement.  I think that actually and factually sums up what the site is looking for!  In today’s world, it's not what you’re selling, but how you selling it!  In all fairness to the contract companies, they have little influence in the daily operation of their staff, especially Field Technicians.  These companies simply bring perspective employees to the site and the primary contractor management team, runs them through their secret testing program to see if they are worthy!  From the first day on site, everyone has to realize they are being measured and scrutinized, constantly!  It is not what a Technician is capable of, but what they are perceived as being capable of!  Technicians do not have a title of Nobelity, therefore the management team believes they are incapable of abstract thinking or proffessional decision power!  Remember that and you can have some fun!

Actually I am not going after Sandia, just stating the truth, the real deal!  I had the privelage of working with some great people at the site, some still there, some not!  Time will tell!

In any case, Good Luck!     


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Re: Sandia
« Reply #6 on: Mar 13, 2006, 08:11 »
Sandia may not be a place for advancement, but there are opportunities which you may not get exposed to elsewhere.  I went there after the Navy and was immediately exposed to RGDs, XRay photography, Micro and Nano electronics, hyper velocity projectiles, explosives and others I still can not talk about.

All this and the mundane RCT work tossed in.  If you do go there, work hard and study.  You may get hired as a site tech.

Also,  tell Gail Cotts I said hello.....


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« Reply #7 on: Mar 20, 2006, 03:55 »
There is a huge selection of greasy spoons here.

The Albuquerque Grill has just about the biggest burrito that I have ever seen.. and it tastes great.

Michelles (which I think may now be gone) offers superb mediterrenean and german meals and a robust selection of wines.

The Great American Cattle and Land Company has excellent steaks and deserts...

I could go on forever.....

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Re: Sandia
« Reply #8 on: Sep 26, 2006, 04:00 »
For superb local flavor, there's Gardunyo's (spelled phonetically as I can't find a tilde...); if yer just passing through there's the Owl Cafe near I40/Eubank. The Hacienda in Old Town revives wonderful memories going back to the '60's...
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Re: Sandia
« Reply #9 on: Oct 10, 2006, 12:44 »
Hmm, Perria's on Central a little East of San Mateo. Super fast and the best darn haskbrowns in the SW.
A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, gi


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Re: Sandia
« Reply #10 on: Apr 15, 2007, 02:52 »
If you be HUNGRY  Try the Albuquerque Grill on Central ( RT 66 )    They make a burrito that I had trouble finishing... and man did it taste good....  lotsa hatch chillies...mmmmmmm


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Re: Sandia
« Reply #11 on: Aug 31, 2009, 10:52 »
Wow.  It's been over two years since someone posted to this topic and judging from the job post it appears they still haven't figured it out at Sandia.


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Re: Sandia
« Reply #12 on: Aug 31, 2009, 11:16 »
Wow.  It's been over two years since someone posted to this topic and judging from the job post it appears they still haven't figured it out at Sandia.

Haven't figured out what at Sandia?


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Re: Sandia
« Reply #13 on: Sep 07, 2011, 02:51 »
No , Sandia has not  changed. RPM is great guy but is fighting an uphill battle. Appleone is so tight they squeak. No diem , no travel , etc


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Re: Sandia
« Reply #14 on: Sep 08, 2011, 09:27 »
I knew someone would eventually answer for me.


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