Career Path > Security, FFD

I have the job offer now what is the MMPI?

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20 Years Gone:
When I interviewed at WCNOC, they flew me out to KCI, then rented me a nice caddy for a couple days.  I dorve down to Burlington, KS, and went to the plant the next day.  First thing was urine test, immed followed by the MMPI.  That test messed with my poor head.  I was still trying to decide if my mother really did love me when I got to the actual interview later in the day, and had to do a quick re-focus to answer their questions.  The question I remember thinking about longest was "Have you ever engaged in abnormal sex?"  Hmmmm.  Abnormal to whom?  There were dry spells in my life when any sex would have been abnormal.  I finally just said no, and didn't have to see the shrink later. 

I am told I have to go to fire school first.  Where do people get trained for fire fighting usually?  At my old school, Texas A&M University,  there was a very good fire school and wonder if I might be returning home for my training :)

maybe being in Kansas was your first hint? 

So I guess the Agent of God club is history-oh well.  Actually, a sociopath would answer the test in a manner and method as to profile out as somebody normal.


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