Career Path > Security, FFD
I have the job offer now what is the MMPI?
Be honest... you are much more likely to be fired for lying than denied the job for having a medical condition. Very few conditions will be grounds for denying you the job... perhaps insurance benefits will be limitied, but if you can physically perform your work (including climbing ladders, wearing a respiriator, and other job related physical activity) you should be ok.
--- Quote from: Smart People on Jun 27, 2005, 03:42 ---...usually if you can breath you will pass.
--- End quote ---
That is not necessarily true. Very high blood pressure can be a limiting factor in getting a respirator qual. Breathing is, of course, required but not sufficient in and of itself.
Re: 'screwing up the MMPI'
I don't know anybody who has been denied a position based solely on the MMPI. If there are 'anomolies' the make you go talk to a psychiatrist/psychologist (as I have had to do several times after taking the test.....go figger). They ask you why you answered a certain question a certain explain it and go to work.
I don't know what kind of job you're seeking, but I don't know of any positions where epilepsy was a disqualifying condition (maybe as a CRO/LRO/RO.....contol room....flashing lights......buzzers, bells, horns).
I am just very nervous about the physical exam. I don't like doctors after they completely screwed me out of getting in the Air Force. I was honest 100% at MEPS and they accused me of having a medical condition that I did not have. The Air Force has no tolerance for ashtma and I have failed to get my waiver after waiting about a year. I want to avoid this kind of problem. I am not worried about the phyciatric test. My dreams of flying a high performance jet fighter at mach 2 and then later hoping to be a nuclear engineer for NASA are over. I can still make a good career out of the power production industry, I just want to know of any pitfalls along the way.
Smart People:
thank you RDtroja, you are correct, i think our nutty nukie here is afraid that there are more stringent standards than what we have experienced. if he believes he is in pretty good shape, then there should be no problem. the military can be finicky, especially the air force. the same doesn't usually apply in our business. they are mostly interested in your ability to carry out your duties safely.
I have two broken elbows and I've had them since January 16th 1989. I have arthritis in both elbows, a tingling left hand (nerve damage from the break in my left arm) a partly torn rotator cuff and bad knees. Both my arms constantly feel as if my crazy bone was hit. I've working in the industry since 1990 and I've passed every physical and I've been able to perform any duty given to me.
Bottom line, unless you pass out during your physical you'll be fine.
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