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Author Topic: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...  (Read 17739 times)

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This is a general question regarding obtaining a security clearance.  I would be interested to hear perspectives for all ranks of clearances.

I was curious as to whether or not it would be wise (or even possible) to apply for a security clearance while on probation.

The probation was for 2 PBJs (2 combined second degree assaults) and my term is almost over (6 months left).  Should I wait until the probation is over, or can I save time and apply now with a government contractor?

The only convictions I have on my record are for "Resisting Arrest" and "Violation of Probation", not serious offenses.  I might have the "Violation of Probation" charge reversed.

It won't be until later (three years + 6 months) until I can consider having the PBJs expunged.

Also, is it very important to have every little thing (non-consequential bookings and so forth) expunged from your record?

What should I do?

Thank you.


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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #1 on: Jul 28, 2005, 06:44 »
whew!  a question like this doesn't come along every day.  i would talk to a federal labor lawyer and find the answers from him.  alot of other answers will be what people think the answer should be, or site specific information.  i don't think these sources are what you require.  pay the bucks and talk to someone who really, really knows.
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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #2 on: Jul 28, 2005, 06:55 »
whew!  a question like this doesn't come along every day.  i would talk to a federal labor lawyer and find the answers from him.  alot of other answers will be what people think the answer should be, or site specific information.  i don't think these sources are what you require.  pay the bucks and talk to someone who really, really knows.

I perform a Google search on "federal labor lawyer" and "federal labor attorney" and only find one self-referral, Robert Buffin (

Throw in the question "Where can I hunt down one of these beasts?"

But, by no means should anyone hold back a response to my previous questions, especially if they know the answer(s).  You know that this post will generate a lot of hits through search engines since it is the only mention of it anywhere!

« Last Edit: Jul 28, 2005, 06:59 by ravish »


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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #3 on: Jul 28, 2005, 09:17 »

The probation was for 2 PBJs

they put you on probation for Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches? That's gotta be Mass. (sorry, i couldn't resist)


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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #4 on: Jul 28, 2005, 09:18 »
whew!  a question like this doesn't come along every day.  i would talk to a federal labor lawyer and find the answers from him.  alot of other answers will be what people think the answer should be, or site specific information.  i don't think these sources are what you require.  pay the bucks and talk to someone who really, really knows.

OK Osama, what have you done with SloGlo?

Seriously, though, you need to talk to somebody in security. If you are talking about a DOE L or Q, you might talk to your congressman/senator. If it's a commercial plant, give them a call. Most of them really aren't the nazis they are rumored to be.
Since the granting authority is given wide leeway in exercising judgement, even a lawyer who isn't connected may not have valid answers.
« Last Edit: Jul 28, 2005, 09:22 by halflifer »

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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #5 on: Jul 29, 2005, 07:29 »
The most important thing is DO NOT LIE on your application. If you are going for L or Q they will find out EVERYTHING about you.
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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #6 on: Jul 29, 2005, 06:55 »
Not only will they find out everything, but they expect you to tell them everything too.  Don't rely on the fact that an arrest or conviction has been "expunged."  Tell them about it anyway, because they can get that information in most cases.  It might seem like splitting hairs, but when the questionaire asks "have you been arrested or convicted....?"  it is NOT asking "are there any arrests or convictions on your record?"  The difference might seem like semantics to you, but it can bite you.  You are expected to tell the truth regardless of whether it will show up on your record.  Failure to disclose a conviction or arrest is more serious than whatever offense you got arrested for in the first place.  So, you're better off listing everything.
Depending on the type of clearance, they may investigate you by going out and interviewing people who knew you years ago.  An arrest can get expunged from your police record, but not from the memory of the guy whose nose you broke.
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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #7 on: Jul 29, 2005, 08:39 »
An arrest can get expunged from your police record, but not from the memory of the guy whose nose you broke.

Ah, that would be battery!


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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #8 on: Jul 29, 2005, 10:22 »
you can apply all you want but dont expect any Q or L within a year or so. unless you have skills that are very important, dont count on it. now if you are in the union you may get some assistance there. in your case the FBI will be all over your neighborhood asking questions-only if the employer wants you real bad.  for powerplants you stand a good chance of getting in.  however in either case your mental assets will be looked at- Are you going to go postal in a power plant?


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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #9 on: Jul 31, 2005, 02:17 »
you can apply all you want but dont expect any Q or L within a year or so. unless you have skills that are very important, dont count on it. now if you are in the union you may get some assistance there. in your case the FBI will be all over your neighborhood asking questions-only if the employer wants you real bad.  for powerplants you stand a good chance of getting in.  however in either case your mental assets will be looked at- Are you going to go postal in a power plant?

What about a TS/SCI clearance?  Never mind the DOE clearances.

But, are you implying that they would merely put me on hold if I did apply on probation?
« Last Edit: Jul 31, 2005, 02:37 by ravish »


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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #10 on: Aug 01, 2005, 12:04 »
I believe security clearances at civilian Nuke plants will not be granted if you have any cases ongoing in court.  Everything has to be final.  I.E. time served, probation completed etc.  I would do like some have suggested.  Contact the HR department for the plant/s you are looking at and ask the questions.


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Re: Applying for Security Clearance While on Probation...
« Reply #11 on: Sep 12, 2005, 12:54 »

  You will have to get an attorney, you can get attorney and have probation removed but going rate is in neighborhood of $ 1500.00 (northeast). From experience I was in a very similiar situation with an offer form
Naval Shipyard Pearl and couldnt get clearance because of probation.  >:(

Good Lluck


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