Reference, Questions and Help > Nuclear Software
Rad Sponge:
Please list any links to programs designed for shielding calculations.
My company uses Microshield, but I would like to load some programs on my notepad. Microshield costs about 1300USD and I do not wish to purchase it at this time.
I speciifcally want programs designed for gamma energies and point sources utilizing lead, steel, and lead glass.
R/ Sponge
Note that the beta version of Rad Pro Calculator 2.0 includes shielding calculations. Version 1.95 and the online version do not have shielding. I'm am very close to finishing the buildup factor addition. I hope to have the updated beta 2.0 posted within a few days. Version 2.0 beta does not include lead glass at this time.
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Sponge posted:
--- Quote ---I speciifcally want programs designed for gamma energies and point sources utilizing lead, steel, and lead glass.
--- End quote ---
I finished the buildup factor programming last night. I also added lead glass for R/Sponge (JMK). There was a table for mu and muen in the NIST data for lead glass, but ANS/ANSI 6.4.3 had no exposure buildup factor table for it, so I had to turn that button off. I'll research that as time permits.
The new version with shielding, including buildup factors is posted at:
Thanks Ray ;D
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