Career Path > Navy:Getting Out

ELT out on Admin Disch.


I'm soon to be getting out of the Navy with just over four years of experience.  I was just wondering if anyone out there could help me get on the right track.  I would love to stay with the analytical field or radiation.  Are there any other jobs out there that deal with TLD's?  If anyone could give some tips on employment that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Another former ELT who got out after 4.5 years here on a medical discharge.  Attend all TAPS and related programs prior to getting out.  Dont blow them off as they provide good info on resume building, employment websites, and the like.  If you are looking for specific job titles that may interest you look at some past forums.  That seems to be a really frequent post so it shouldnt be too hard to find.
Take as many free cleps/dantes prior to getting out.  You are about to find out just how important that piece of paper is.  If you got it done than more power to you.  Start your job search ASAP, this can be expedited with the aid of job hunters.  Figure out what you want to do, but listen to all offers because just because you are a nuke now doesnt mean you'll always be one forever.  You may find a different passion.
By all means be proactive and get out there look around.  Make the calls and fax the resumes.  Dont wait around.  This is after all the begining of the rest of your life.

BTW I hope your "admin sep" is truly admin like.  What I mean is that you'll have to be forthcoming to prospective employers.  I hope its not that you just couldn't stay awake on watch or something like that. 

In commercial power or DoD sites, look into RP Technicians or HP Tech.  Your best bet on this site is to keep looking through the career forums, the jobs pages and the study pages.


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