Career Path > Security, FFD
Failed Pre-employment
A question from a newby. If you fail the breathaliser on a pre-employment test at a nuke plant are shut out of all nuke plants? This was for a contract job. Do the plants automatically share that information with the rest of the plants?
--- Quote from: mobber12 on Oct 17, 2005, 03:32 ---A question from a newby. If you fail the breathaliser on a pre-employment test at a nuke plant are shut out of all nuke plants? This was for a contract job. Do the plants automatically share that information with the rest of the plants?
--- End quote ---
Yes they do. If you were denied access at a facility that becomes available everywhere in the industry.
It's pretty hard to imagine that someone would show up for work at a nuke plant on their first day and fail a breathalyzer test. I guess I can't show too much sympathy to anyone that does this. Denying access is probably the first step to recovery and hopefully this person will get a second chance and a wake up call.
One of the standard questions on your entry papwerwork is "Have you ever been denied entry to a Nuclear Plant?"
Telling the truth is a whole lot easier to explain than lying about it after you get caught. And you will get caught.
A person can be reinstated after completing rehab, but of course it comes out of your own pocket.
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