This is your chance to get the added exposure your company needs to increase brand awareness. NukeWorker gets 6.5 million page views with 400,000+ unique visits a month, has over 250 business clients, 30 of which are Fortune 500 companies. NukeWorker users are very brand loyal, and know that if we support a company, that company is trustworthy in our opinion. If you're not advertising on, you should be.
Our traffic is MUCH more than any other nuclear related web site on the internet (the American Nuclear Society 'ANS' web site's 'banner supported pages' only get 50,000 page views a month, 1/100th of our 'banner supported' traffic). Can you afford NOT to advertise here? To put it in perspective, a billboard ad on a road or highway costs $20K to $100k a month. ANS charges $910/month, and that's only if you advertise in their magazine ($4,000) first!

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They link to your web site.
The banner ad must be in .jpg or .gif format of maximum size 40 kb. Animation is acceptable.
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