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Dental Fillings (Activation)
Is there any information about RAD workers having the dental fillings activated while working in a Nuke Plant????? ???
I'm confident one would reach the LD50/30 point before you had to worry about Ag-110 in the amalgam due to fast neutron fluence...
it can happen
It can happen but the dose will be high. back in the 70's I worked at handford with two operators.
they received a very high dose of neutrons. do to an unusual transiet event.
they were working with PU 235 when it went hot. worker A was running down the halls , and yelled to worker 'B' I dead I can taste it. worker 'A' told him to shut up and run. when this happened it set off the ARM at the badge house five miles away. both workers were never allowed to work in a neutron field agin.
both of these workers had told me that they had to have their fillings removed and replaced. that is what one tasted . the field had ativated his fillings. worker "A" told me that it was not worth 35 bucks a week back then . when he was getting a core sample taken of his chest. they were told they did not know how much dose they recived .
both the workers had retired when I had left the site in the mid 80's
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