News and Discussions > Fallen:
Howard C. Thompson
RP Instructor:
I just learned this past weekend (7/26/03), that Howard Thompson, an HP house-tech and co-worker of mine at McGuire from '82-'93, committed suicide this past June. Howard was a good man. He worked hard, would lend you a hand without asking, and had a great sense of humor. But Howard could be stubborn, ornery, and difficult to persuade,when he made up his mind that "this was the way we were going to do it". I have fond memories of Howard, and I'm glad I knew him. Howard battled with depression for years, and I gather this last battle defeated him. Sadly, he leaves behind a wife and two daughters (ages 12, and 15). Rest in peace, Howard. The demons won't hurt you anymore.
A friend.
I've gotten to where I am afraid to open this page anymore.
It seems every time I do, I learn of someones passing who has been a friend, coworker, or both. I am so sorry about Howard. I first worked with him in '85. He took good care of me and my fellow contract HPs. I worked there on and off for the next 10 years. I had my ups and downs with Howard. Mostly ups and I regret the downs. Now that I'm a little older I realize compassion means alot more than the macho crap we always tried to show. Howard was one of many fine people in the Duke HP system. I wish them all well, and Howard peace.
My condolenses go out to the family in their time of grief.Like a lot of others it saddens me deeply to open this page,almost always there is someone I knew.I can only hope that we can meet again,and then Howard there will be no more sorrow,no pain.I love you ,man.GOD BLESS AND GOD SPEED. :'( :'(
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