News and Discussions > Fallen:
Curtis Bradley
I think he passed away about 2 years ago.He passed away from a battle with stomach or colon cancer i'm not sure which.I think he was around 42.I worked with him at beaver valley and some ill.plants.He use to crack me up sometimes at the palnts cutting up.He will be missed my his and his nuclear families.
Rain Man:
Met CB at WPPSS in the early 80's (called him Curtis Love)and worked with him as a sup at the BV outages. Good man, good tech. He will be terribly missed.
met cb at the beav in the late 70s when he wuz still laboring there. made the jump thru the decon/jr/sr/sup ranks well. a solid man, a smart man, and one of the best men that i have ever known.
Curtis was a good man. Spent many enjoyable hours with him in BVs can.
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