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Offline Rennhack

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NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« on: Feb 01, 2006, 05:56 »
NukeWorker has partnered with 360 Training to offer everyone online Hazwoper, and other OSHA training (Fall Protection, Blood Born Pathogens, etc).

Follow these links:
All Virtual University Courses
Online Hazwoper Training
Online OSHA Training

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #1 on: Feb 01, 2006, 06:21 »
How is the practical section of Hazwoper handled?
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #2 on: Feb 01, 2006, 06:30 »
Hazwoper 40 Hour Course
This course is specifically designed for workers who are involved in clean-up operations, voluntary clean-up operations, emergency response operations, and storage, disposal, or treatment of hazardous substances or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Topics include protection against hazardous chemicals, elimination of hazardous chemicals, safety of workers and the environment, OSHA regulations. This course covers topics included in 29 CFR 1910.120. Please note that hands-on training is not required for the 40 hour Hazwoper course; although hands-on is the preferred training method by OSHA. To be in compliance with OSHA regulations, the employee must complete 3 days of hands-on training offered by the employer.

Hazwoper 24 Hour Course
This course fulfills your requirements for certification under 29 CFR, Part 1910.120 (e), or other applicable state regulations for certification to the 24-hour Occasional Site Worker level. 

Hazwoper 8 Hour Annual Refresher Course

This course meets the requirements in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 for eight hours of annual refresher training for workers at hazardous waste sites. This course is designed for general site workers who remove hazardous waste or who are exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards. Topics include HAZWOPER regulations, safety and health plans, hazardous chemicals, safety hazards, air monitoring, medical surveillance, site control, decontamination, personal protective equipment, and respiratory equipment. This course covers the topics in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120. Prerequisites: Enrollment is open to those who have already completed the 40-hour or 24-hour HAZWOPER training.


Be able to read and understand OSHA regulations and requirements
Use Site Characterization to identify hazards found in the workplace and steps to be taken to minimize hazards
Better understand the principles of toxicology and how they relate to various types of chemical exposures
Develop a Medical Surveillance Program and understand its purpose
Identify the uses for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and how to choose the correct PPE for a situation
Understand the principles of decontamination as well as levels of decontamination and decontamination methods
Have a better understanding of potentially hazardous situations involving corrosives, solvents, oxidizers, and reactive chemicals
Understand the various considerations in an emergency and the importance of training and actions to personal safety and the safety of others


Regulation Overview

Hazard Recognition

Site Characterization, Analysis, and Control


Medical Surveillance

Safe Work Practices and PPE


Chemical Awareness

Emergency Procedures

Please see the state/regulatory requirement from the course catalog page.

8 Hours

To be eligible to take the 8 hour refresher course, you must have taken the 24 or 40 hour HAZWOPER course.


Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Quizzes - All quizzes must be passed with a 100% to proceed forward to the next lesson.
Final Exam- Final Exam must be passed with a 70% to pass the course. The final exam can be taken three times if necessary.
« Last Edit: Feb 01, 2006, 06:32 by Rennhack »

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #3 on: Feb 01, 2006, 08:08 »
Will you be offering any NRRPT Training ???

Offline Rennhack

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #4 on: Feb 01, 2006, 08:56 »
We will be adding courses, a little at a time, as demand dictates.  The next set of classes will be DOE CORE training.

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #5 on: Feb 10, 2006, 11:21 »
Refresh my memory here please.  I seem to remember that your position on online training was exactly the opposite when some one else was offering online HAZWOPER here on the site.  I can no longer find the posts because they seem to have been deleted.
« Last Edit: Feb 10, 2006, 04:22 by Rennhack »
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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #6 on: Feb 10, 2006, 04:19 »
Refresh my memory here please.  I seem to remember that your position on online training was exactly the opposite when some one else was offering online HAZWOPER here on the site.  I can no longer find the posts because they seem to have been deleted.

I've never had a problem with online training.  The issue you are thinking of is that the person was asking me to say things I believed to not be true, for their personal gain.

I'm wondering why you are tring to cause trouble here Troy?  Any off topic message should be sent to me in IM or email.
« Last Edit: Feb 10, 2006, 04:22 by Rennhack »

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #7 on: Feb 10, 2006, 06:49 »
I'm not trying to cause trouble, I just remember that other guy was selling the same thing you are selling, and I thought you said at the time that it wasn't valid.  But, if you say it ain't so, I believe you.  It was some time ago, and the posts are no longer here to refresh my memory.

But my main point is to clarify.  Is it or is it not okay to take hazwoper online without the practical and still issue a valid certificate?  Given what you have posted here (which seems to agree completely whith what the other guy was saying last year) it makes sense to me that you can take the course online and do the practical on-the-job.
« Last Edit: Feb 10, 2006, 10:41 by Rennhack »
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #8 on: Feb 10, 2006, 11:11 »
The OSHA site states that they are ok with online training.  They state that any 40hr program, no matter how much 'hands on' should be accompanied with on-site hands on.  They use words like 'should' not shall.  And say that it's just one interpretation.  The exact quote is below.

In OSHA's view, self-paced, interactive computer-based training can serve as a valuable training tool in the context of an over-all HAZWOPER training program.

OSHA urges employers to be wary of relying solely on generic "packaged" training programs in meeting their training requirements since training required under HAZWOPER includes site-specific elements which need to be tailored to the individual worker's assigned duties.

In summary, OSHA believes that computer-based training programs can be used as part of an effective safety and health training program to satisfy OSHA training requirements, provided that the program is supplemented by the opportunity for trainees to ask questions of a qualified trainer.

Supervised field experience is part of an employee's initial training, taking place after he or she has completed the off-site classroom instruction. Employees must be able to familiarize themselves with the equipment and field conditions under which they will be expected to work. The initial three days in the field under the supervision of another experienced employee combined with the required classroom instruction is required for new employees.

He likes to tell people that we canceled his advertising because it was online training, but that isn't true.  We canceled it because he threatened to cut his advertising in half if we didn't change our site.  I will not be strong armed by any advertiser to change the words on this site.  It is the open communication that makes this site the tool it is.  My problem with the other guy wasn't the validity of the training, it was him asking me to do something that I believed to not be true.  His training is valid as far as I know. He said I had to change our site to suit him, or he would pull his advertising money.  I promptly refunded his money, then I found an alternative training option for the users.  This site will not be strong armed by advertisers.

The training we provide is from 360 Training, they are certified by OSHA to give this training. They say they are the ONLY people certified to give this training online. (But I say any online training 'should' be fine.)  When you take the 360 Training from our link, we get 10% commision to help fund the site.  However I had to give them $1,500 to set up our training site, so it will be a long time before we reach a break even.  (the 8hr class is $95) so we will need to help a lot of people to break even.

Follow these links:
All Virtual University Courses
Online Hazwoper Training
Online OSHA Training
« Last Edit: Feb 10, 2006, 11:46 by Rennhack »

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #9 on: Feb 11, 2006, 08:45 »
Sounds good to me.  I happen to think that the practical should not be part of the course anyway.  Since all employers use different equipment (Scott, MSA, Draeger ...etc.) the idea of a "one-size-fits-all" practical just doesn't make any sense.
Even though "the other guy" is an old friend of mine, I don't necessarily see this from his point of view over any other.  I was hoping you guys would make nice, but it's all water over the dam at this point.

I notice that the prices are pretty reasonable for the courses.  For roadies, there is also the advantage of taking the course "with you" as you travel.  Taking online courses is better for your health and wealth than hanging out at the pub after work.
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #10 on: Feb 14, 2006, 11:08 »
"The training we provide is from 360 Training, they are certified by OSHA to give this training. They say they are the ONLY people certified to give this training online." 

I think the training certification standard for hazwoper was withdrawn in 2002. To my knowledge OSHA does not certify training other than the 10/30 hour outreach and some 500 series.. 

From the companies web site, this is the only training they are certified to provide which is somewhat different for the HAZWOPER.
360training, a global provider of technical skills and safety e-Learning solutions, today announced its highly anticipated acceptance by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to offer 10-hour Outreach Training courses online. The courses will provide 24x7 web-based access to testing content to help organizations comply with OSHA's 10-hour health and safety requirements in general industry and construction sectors.
In addition from their web site...

Also available on OSHACampus are online instructor certification courses 500 and 501 for construction and general industry to permit trainers to teach various regulations and sub-parts of OSHA safety regulations. 360Training has implemented a variety of specialized training compliance packages and has scheduled a number of additional course titles for release in Q2 of 2004, including OSHA approved 10 and 30 hour outreach training courses for general industry and construction.

At present, they may be the only 10 and 30 trainer approved by OTI but that will change shortly, I'm sure.  They are not approved for HAZWOPER.. no body is and no approval is needed for HAZWOPER.

They seem to be high quality-typical online training.

Alphadude- OHST, RRPT, CSP
« Last Edit: Feb 14, 2006, 11:14 by alphadude »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #11 on: Feb 14, 2006, 11:39 »
Thanks alpha dude for correcting me.  I do get confused some times.  Heck, I don't even know what that 500 and 501 training is.


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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #12 on: Feb 14, 2006, 11:59 »
360 looks like a good training site- they have a well developed infrastructure and offer lots of training of interest.  they do have the advantage of offering the 500 series training, which is a good thing since it costs as much or more in travel to take the training. this online 500 series training would save the average person about $1000 or more.

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Re: NukeWorker Offers Onlne Training
« Reply #13 on: Feb 14, 2006, 12:27 »
They also offer a lot of Power Plant specific training, but I have opted out of offering them for the time being.


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