Hello All,
I am a NucE student who will be looking for employment possibly in operations (NLO/ aux operator...) after graduation next May and was curious about Reactor Operators unions.
Is there one large union that represents the operators or is it more regional/company/site specific?
What sites have RO unions?
Are there companies you would recommend steering clear of because of unions/ no unions?
I have spent the last couple days trying to find out from companies websites and googling alot about these questions. Any one know a good place to look?
Thank you in advance,
As has already been said there isn't one national Union for RO's. IF the RO's are Union at a plant it will usually be the one that represents all of the physical workers at that plant. I know of one plant where the SRO's are also Union.
If you're trying to find out from a company website if a site is organized or not it's usually a crapshoot. Sometimes you may have to look at a job spec listing to find out if a job is Union or not. I have seen that info listed there at times. If it's not listed you can always drop a line to the HR department and just ask them if their employees are represented or not.
I've got to ask the question, Are you wanting to get into Ops to improve your experience factor along with your degree? I think it's a great idea personally, you've just got my curiosity going is all.
No matter what I want to wish you the best of luck in your search. Is there any area in particular that you're wanting to land in?