Hi im am looking for some advice, I am an MM1 with a bachelors degree in nuclear engineering from RPI and 12 years in. Never really considered myself a hot runner but I have gotten most of the quals I needed along the way. (chief reactor watch, engineering watch supervisor, training coordinator, classroom instructor). My primary interest is nuclear engineering ultimately I hope to work on core design. I am getting out in about 9 months and I am trying to figure out where to market myself. I have read on this site that instant sro is unlikely but I could really use some info about the other options. what kind of time frame am I looking at for quals and what kind of salary do each of the areas earn. Should I try to go into engineering, training or operations directly. With my background am I better off with a middle entry position or just try to get my foot in the door so to speak.
I have lots of decisions looming and so far the only easy one is getting out of the navy. Thanks in advance for your advice.