Compilation thread of past posts related to EEI tests such as POSS, MASS, TECH, CAST, and SO/PD
Aptitude tests help organizations select capable, qualified individuals for jobs. They are fair, objective and cost-effective screening tools. Aptitude tests identify those individuals who are more likely to be successful when hired, promoted, or transferred.
This online brochure has been developed to help you prepare to take an aptitude test. It is designed to give you advice and tips for taking tests. It contains a set of strategies you might consider before you take the test as well as during the testing session itself.
Aptitude tests measure knowledge and ability people have attained throughout their lives. Short-term studying for these tests may have little impact on your test performance.
Before the Session
You may want to prepare for the test session by taking some practice tests on different topics, like reading comprehension, math, and problem solving. This will give you an opportunity to take tests under various timed conditions. Guidebooks on test preparation, which might contain practice tests, may be available at your local library, bookstores, and through the Internet. (See the Resources section)
Approach the testing session with confidence. Consider it an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and abilities.
Get enough sleep the night before the testing session so you will feel rested and able to do your best.
Have something to eat before going to the testing session.
Although you may be nervous in anticipation of the testing session, it is not unusual to feel this way when important events occur in your life. In fact, this may help motivate you to do your best on the test.
Get to the testing location well in advance of the time the test is scheduled to begin. This will allow you to relax and stay calm, concentrate on doing your best and not feel rushed.
Don't bring a dictionary.
You will need to bring an official picture identification (e.g., driver's license) with you to the testing session.
All materials you need to take the test will be provided at the testing session. Test aids such as calculators and dictionaries are not allowed to be used.
Make sure to bring your eyeglasses if you need to wear them in order to take the test.
If for some reason you do not feel you can do your best on the test or you are not feeling well on the day of the test, call ahead of time to try to be re-scheduled to take it.
During the Testing Session
Listen carefully to the introduction to the testing session which the test administrator reads at the beginning of the testing session. Ask any questions you might have about the testing session at that time.
Follow along in your test booklet while the test administrator reads the test directions aloud. Typically, these include information on the number and format of test questions, the time limit for the test and, sometimes, how it is scored. Complete the sample questions. Make sure you understand what you are supposed to do on the test before it begins. If you are unclear, ask the test administrator any questions you may have before the test starts. It is up to you ask. The test administrator will not be able to answer your questions once the test has begun.
Read each test question carefully before you try to answer it.
If the test is timed, be sure to know the time limit. The test administrator will read it to you as part of the test directions. Keep track of your time and pace yourself. Work as quickly and as accurately as you can on the test. Work steadily on it until you are told to stop.
If there's a question you can't answer in a reasonable amount of time, skip it, and come back to it after you've answered all of the other questions on the test you're working on. If you skip over a question, make sure you also skip over the corresponding answer space for that question on your answer sheet.
If you're unsure of the correct answer to a question, try to eliminate those choices which you know are incorrect. Then you might consider making your best guess from among the remaining alternatives.
If there's time left over, check your work.
Once you've answered a question, it is usually best not to change it unless you're sure what you marked is wrong. Often when answers are changed, correct answers are changed to incorrect ones.
Pay attention to what you are expected to do on the different parts of the test. Consider each part as a completely separate set of problems to do. Do not be overly concerned about how you might have done on any one part. Even if you think you did not do well on one part, try to maintain a positive attitude when you start the next part.
Do not help,or ask for help from, other examinees during the testing session. If you do so, you may be disqualified from being considered for the job.
Practice Suggestions
Your local library and bookstores may have books that deal with improving your reading, math and mechanical comprehension skills. In addition, adult education programs might offer courses. The Internet is another place to look for information.
Books on reading comprehension are useful in strengthening reading skills and may contain practice reading tests. Textbooks on various subjects often have chapter review questions which you might try answering.
Basic math books which have addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems may be a good source for preparing for arithmetic tests. Be sure to work on problems across all four areas. Elementary algebra books include problems on how to solve basic algebraic equations.
Books on mechanical concepts that have examples found in everyday life such as gravity, levers, pulleys, gears, shapes and centrifugal force may contain practice problems to enhance your understanding of mechanical principles. Courses in basic mechanics, shop repair, and high school physics also might help.
The following are some books and self-study guides on different topics. In addition, many others are available which you might want to consider.
Strategies and Preparation
Kesselman-Turkel, J., & Peterson, F. (2004). Study Smarts: How to Learn More in Less Time. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Kesselman-Turkel, J., & Peterson, F. (2004). Test-Taking Strategies. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
LearningExpress Staff (2007). Test-Taking Power Strategies. New York, NY: LearningExpress.
Math and Science
Erdsneker, H. (2004). Arco Civil Service Arithmetic & Vocabulary Review (15th Edition). Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson's.
Ewen, I., Weinfeld, M., Covington, J., & Smith, D. (1999). Kaplan Essential Review: High School Mathematics I. New York, NY: Kaplan Publishing.
Gibilisco, S. (2006). Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics (4th Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Gussow, M. (2002). Basic Electricity: Based on Schaum’s Outline of Basic Electricity. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Immergut, B., & Burr-Smith J. (2005). Arithmetic and Algebra Again (2nd Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
LearningExpress Staff (2004). 1001 Math Problems: Fast, Focused Practice That Improves Your Math Skills (2nd Edition). New York, NY: LearningExpress.
Levy, J. (2004). Arco Master the Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests (6th Edition). Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson's.
Miller, R., & Miller, M. (Eds.) (2002). Arco Electrician and Electrician’s Helper (9th Edition). Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson's.
Morrison, R. (2003). Electricity: A Self-Teaching Guide. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
O’Malley, J. (1992). Schaum’s Outline of Basic Circuit Analysis (2nd Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Research & Education Association Staff (2003). REA’s Math Builder for Admission & Standardized Tests. Piscataway, NJ: Research & Education Association.
Zegarelli, M. (2007). Basic Math & Pre-Algebra for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Reading, Writing and Typing
Bonet, D. (1993). Easy English: Basic Grammar & Usage. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications.
Boone, R. (1996). Reading Comprehension: What You Need to Know About Developing Your Test-Taking Skills. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Brock, S. (2002). Better Business Writing: Techniques for Improving Correspondence (4th Edition). Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications.
Elliott, R. (2006). Painless Grammar (2nd Edition). Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Services.
Fry, R. (2004). Improve Your Reading (5th Edition). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Goodman, Y., Watson, D., & Burke, C. (1996). Reading Strategies: Focus on Comprehension (2nd Edition). Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers.
Heuer, C., Saronson, S., & Niesz, J. (2006). Arco Master the Clerical Exams (5th Edition). Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson’s.
Hoyt, L. (2008). Revisit, Reflect, and Retell: Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
LearningExpress Staff (2003). 1001 Vocabulary & Spelling Questions: Fast, Focused Practice that Improves Your Word Knowledge. New York, NY: LearningExpress.
LearningExpress Staff (2006). 501 Reading Comprehension Questions (3rd Edition). New York, NY: LearningExpress.
Princeton Review Publishing Staff (2001). Grammar Smart: A Guide to Perfect Usage (2nd Edition). New York, NY: Random House Information Group.
Research & Education Association Staff (2002). REA’s Reading Comprehension Builder for Admission and Standardized Tests. Piscataway, NJ: Research & Education Association.
Research & Education Association Staff (2002). REA’s Verbal Builder for Admission and Standardized Tests. Piscataway, NJ: Research & Education Association.
Robinson, A. (2001). The Princeton Review Word Smart: Building an Educated Vocabulary (3rd Edition). New York, NY: Random House Information Group.
Schaffzin, N. (1994). The Princeton Review Reading Smart: Advanced Techniques for Improved Reading. New York, NY: Random House Information Group.
Zeitz, L. (2005). Keyboarding Made Simple: Learn the Best Techniques for Keyboarding Like a Pro. New York, NY: Broadway Books.
Cameron, S., Emmons, J., Friedman, M., Gregory, L., Kay, M., Klug, D., Land, G., Mallek, C., Marona, S., & Walsh, B. (2004). The Best Test Preparation for The GED: High School Equivalency Diploma. Piscataway, NJ: Research & Education Association.
Hammer, H. (1998). Arco General Test Practice for 101 U.S. Jobs (4th Edition). Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson's.
Kaprov, R., & Kaprov, S. (2008). Master the GED 2009. Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson's.
Lawrence, N. (2002). Arco GED Basics (3rd Edition). Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson's.
Steck-Vaughn Staff (2001). GED Complete Preparation. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn.