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Author Topic: Nuke Power Jobs outside US  (Read 7834 times)

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Rad Sponge

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Nuke Power Jobs outside US
« on: May 06, 2005, 09:57 »
How would one approach getting operational/chemist jobs outside the US, say in the UK or even a job at ANSTO in AU.

Are there recruiter firms that specialize in placing US workers abroad or do other countries tend to stick to their own.



Fast Fission

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Re: Nuke Power Jobs outside US
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2005, 08:24 »
I can't give details about any specific country, but most countries (just like the US) have work visa requirements for foriegn workers. This is so the citizens have some protection/preference for the local jobs. Usually unless the company can show that there are no qualified citizens, they will have problems getting you a visa. This is mostly for permanent type jobs, the rules for temporary jobs are usually less strict. Different countries are obviously different, but for permanent work the locals definitely have the advantage.


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