Career Path > Outages
What shall I expect at an outage?
--- Quote from: Mike McFarlin on Apr 05, 2006, 04:53 ---When you are a contractor, right or wrong you're always wrong! Try to remember this, and you will go far.
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But Spanky.. you're never wrong.....
Jason.. good luck with the chemistry now that all the little pieces are mixing in the core... try to knock it down to a tollerable level prior to the seals leaking... :o
hmmm as a contractor I and my fellow workers seem to be right most of the time. Perhaps its the approach you take. After all, how would it look for a manager to hire contractors that are always wrong??? Most if not all managers hire contractors to provide right answers and keep them on the path to success.
The situations I have seen where contractors (rent a techs) seem "wrong" is that they didnt do their background analysis of the situation. Carry over memories from previous facilities often are mis-identified as problems at a new place of work.
We have all seen or heard about the RAT that screams safety concerns or pending doom, and then states he was let go because he brough the issues to light..etc. When in reality, there may have been some seed of truth in the matter but the guy was just basically a nut case or had some serious issues, and his wacky behavior obscured the real issue, resulting in a his loss of trust and credibility.
If you prepare a case, define the real problems and workable solutions you will be get ahead. It works every time, and if you are right in your cause, you can act wacky about it and be perceived as "passionate about his work." Employers and managers like that.. champions for a better situation.. they dont like "nay sayers of doom and gloom."
Roll Tide:
--- Quote from: alphadude on Apr 06, 2006, 09:21 --- define the real problems and workable solutions
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Best advice given so far. No manager likes constant problems with no solutions, but many like to have resolutions supplied with the problems.
--- Quote from: Mike McFarlin on Apr 05, 2006, 04:53 ---When you are a contractor, right or wrong you're always wrong! Try to remember this, and you will go far.
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I've been a supervisor/manager for 14 years now and I've never disregarded an opinion or suggestion because it came from a contractor. I might be blind (but I doubt it) I've yet to see a good suggestion or opinion be rejected because it came from a contractor.
Mike McFarlin:
LaFeet, where are you? Cause I'm never wrong? Spanky
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