Facility & Company Information > McGuire
Duke Power Hiring process
Will be medically retired soon, and aplied with duke for NLO job at Mcguire. Just curious if anyone might be able to answer a couple of q's? I got an email saying to do the prescreen, and did. At the end it asked for a day and time to call me in person to set up further interviews.
1. How hard and long is the test you take for employment?
2. What are the best interview tips for success?
3. What is the process on site when you go for an interview?
I appreciate the help.
OOOPPPPs meat Hiring. damn fat fingers.
--- Quote from: visserjr on Mar 03, 2006, 05:02 ---OOOPPPPs meat Hiring. damn fat fingers.
--- End quote ---
Better now? ;)
Thanks PWHoppe, my spelling is horific.
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