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I just wanted to hear from my fellow nukeworkers on this subject. The world has truly changed. I would like to know If anyone out there has, or knows of persons (no names please) who have lost a clearance because of some dipsh#t that "slipped a mickey" at a bar or something like that. I've read about these things in the paper all the time, and it's a scary reality to face if it would happen to any of us in the commercial nuke industry!:o :(


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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #1 on: Mar 18, 2006, 05:05 »
If someone is careless enough to be slipped a mickey they deserve what they get.


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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #2 on: Mar 18, 2006, 08:13 »
If someone is careless enough to be slipped a mickey they deserve what they get.

Additionally, if they found out that they were slipped a "mickey", they should have filed a police report AND informed their supervisors ASAP.  Granted, it will arrouse suspicion, but at least you will have your buttocks covered when the pee pee test pops up.

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #3 on: Mar 18, 2006, 10:27 »
that's not fair.  while I understand "they slipped me a mickey" is too easy an excuse, I think that anybody, unless they've had special training and go thru the world on "alert" the whole time, could have a mickey slipped to them.  I know my stepmom was slipped a mickey and now occasionally has flashbacks.  she thinks it was LSD.  it happened back in the 60s or 70s.  maybe she is lying, but my cousin's husband went to New Orleans and his food was drugged by a waiter (who is now in jail).  they wanted to rob him, but the drug made him hallucinate, and he ran off the top of a building because of the drug's effect, killing himself.  so you're saying my cousin's husband got what he deserved, huh?  thanks alot.


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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #4 on: Mar 18, 2006, 10:57 »
I keep my drink with me at all time. When I smoked I never bummed a cig in a bar. I always lit my own.

Simple precautions, and a mickey is impossible.

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #5 on: Mar 19, 2006, 01:34 »
If someone is careless enough to be slipped a mickey they deserve what they get.

That is a very inconsiderate happens...especially to women typically with the intentions of taking advantage of them....even when youre on top of things stuff still happens, even with people you may trust.  I havent heard of anyone losing clearances over it, typically those who lose thier clearances know why they lost them but in real world situations many things can happen that can be much worse.

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #6 on: Mar 19, 2006, 01:50 »
That is a very inconsiderate happens...especially to women typically with the intentions of taking advantage of them....even when youre on top of things stuff still happens, even with people you may trust.  I havent heard of anyone losing clearances over it, typically those who lose thier clearances know why they lost them but in real world situations many things can happen that can be much worse.

And knowing for that reason that the world is a dangerous place, one should probably avoid those situations.

Think of it as a Darwin check...

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #7 on: Mar 19, 2006, 03:05 »
No, I've not seen anyone booted for being slipped a mickey.  The problem with that is: if someone says they've been slipped a mickey, no one would believe them anyway, so how will any of us ever know? ???


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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #8 on: Mar 19, 2006, 03:12 »
I keep my drink with me at all time.

And supposing the bartender slipped you a mickey much like that waiter? Or do you pour your own drinks at the bar as well?

Anyways.....So far, I personally have never known anyone to have fallen victim to that nor have I heard any stories about that happeningto anyone in the nuclear business. (my attempt at staying on topic).

I was at outage once where a guy was busted at the gate for having a beer (possibly more than one) in his Igloo Cooler. Seems that while packing up at the hotel earlier he put them in the cooler (layoff night) and later simply forgt they were in there. It was a simple and honest mistake and after filing the necessary paperwork for having found it, the mandatory FFD test....a few interviews with supervisors, co-workers and the site coordinator he was released back to his control point with no adverse consequences. There actually is fairness and justice in these situations. at least sometimes.
« Last Edit: Mar 19, 2006, 03:13 by Austria »


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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #9 on: Mar 19, 2006, 03:44 »
It was a simple and honest mistake and after filing the necessary paperwork for having found it, the mandatory FFD test....a few interviews with supervisors, co-workers and the site coordinator he was released back to his control point with no adverse consequences. There actually is fairness and justice in these situations. at least sometimes.

I believe in the system, hopefully, I myself and those I know will nevver get "mickeyed"


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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #10 on: Mar 20, 2006, 10:42 »
I am surprised at some peoples "callous" response to the topic at hand.(i.e. Broadzilla) I just want you to remember... Never say never, and when you least expect it... expect it! I know a technician whom worked for a utility whom WAS set-up by a girlfriend's teen daughter as a "get even" for whatever reason. This person won the "lotto" after the weekend, and you know the rest. He was house, so he got a second chance through EAP at the plant. Now, if he was a contractor with the same exact story, he or she would be left out in the cold with no recourse! So, don't give me that hardline attitude of you get what you deserve, it makes you seem very cold and heartless. In the R.P. business of nuke power, you MUST consider ALL scenarios, not just the ones that are most obvious. ;) I am pleased by most of the posts on this subject :) I still have faith that some of us out there use our heads for more than a hatrack!! ;D


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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #11 on: Mar 20, 2006, 06:35 »
I once went to a cookout where the host, who didn't realize that I was just home for the weekend and not done for the summer, concocted a 'special' bar-b-que sauce for the burgers. I won the lottery 4 days later and spent my 2 hr grace period ingesting frightful amounts of water and fruit juice. I clarity of my sample aroused suspicion, but nothing was ever said and I seem to have passed the test. I now make sure everyone I know is aware of my status employment-wise.
I do know a worker who got 3 days off because security found some empties in the back of his pick-up. He protested that they weren't his and must have been thrown in there after he parked in the parking lot, but to no avail. I don't know how you could protect yourself against that.
As for somebody slipping you a Mickey in a bar, if you think it can't be done, you are dangerously dilusional.

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #12 on: Mar 20, 2006, 08:32 »
I have personally not heard of this causing a loss of access.  However, if you are the victim of a crime you must report it to the police.  If you have a suspicion that you have been given an illicit drug without your consent, you may be the victim of a crime.  This isn't a joke.  You should also seek medical attention, as many drugs have latent effects that can harm you when you think you're fine.  Make sure the doctor does blood/urine tests for drugs that are covered by FFD as well as the suspect drugs (like "date-rape").
As far as the random or pre-employment drug screening goes --don't wait until then.  You need to take the police report and the results of your medical exam to the Medical Review Officer immediately.  This may not take you completely off the hook.  You may be required to do follow-up tests to verify no further drug use.  You may even lose access temporarily, but it won't be as bad as it would if you waited until after failing a screening to speak up.  At that point the MRO is likely to see it as a contrived excuse.  It will sound a little like the old, " I went to a concert and got a lot of second-hand marijuana smoke" line.
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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #13 on: Mar 20, 2006, 08:46 »
I keep my drink with me at all time. When I smoked I never bummed a cig in a bar. I always lit my own.

Simple precautions, and a mickey is impossible.

yer lucky no won ever decided to give ya a little "freebie".  iffen they wanna, ya got it.  'n remember, bragging makes fer a challenge.  'n also remember, just because yer not paranoid, doesn't mean that they aren't after you.
quando omni flunkus moritati

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #14 on: Mar 21, 2006, 02:16 »
Hey everyone! I am very thankful for the stories related to this topic. I give out kudos to all who have commented constructively. I was talking with an associate about the FFD policies and how there is a "double standard". If you are a utility employee, you get a second chance through the EAP. If you are a "roadie", you get the axe. I, and several others agree that this is very unfair. The rules should be the same for ANY nuke employee. Just because we don't have a permanent "home", does that make us any less vulnerable to "bad things" or less valuable as a worker? ???

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #15 on: Mar 21, 2006, 08:10 »
Just because we don't have a permanent "home", does that make us any less vulnerable to "bad things" or less valuable as a worker? ???

dude, contact your employer iffen ya blow the test.  the utility ain't yer employer, merely yer site of employment.  as to fair, a fair is what ya go to for fun, excitement, 'n to win a blue ribbon, not for employment unless ya farm fer a living or werk as a carney.  not that there's anything wrong with those.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #16 on: Mar 22, 2006, 12:48 »
I suppose this subject will get good, bad, and indifferent replies. The best way to protect yourself after long layoffs, would be to buy a test kit and self check. (i.e before pre-employment when you first arrive). It is definitely worth the cash because you cannot trust anyone anymore, not even people closest to you! Sad but true. To all people that are currently at a plant, be aware of your personal surroundings and always keep your "edge" so no one can scope you out as easy prey. To hamsamich, I am truly sorry for the loss of your cousin's husband. It is a tragedy that can happen to anyone nowadays. I myself, was on vacation in Florida several years ago, and I still believe that someone slipped me something. I was lucky that I didn't "flip out" but I could have. I 've noticed that Broadzilla hasn't added any posts. She must still be trying to dislodge the foot from her mouth! ;)

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #17 on: Mar 22, 2006, 08:04 »
thanks for that snake.  some people seem to fall for the "just world" fallacy, which means you always get what you deserve, or, if you live a good life and try to do the right thing, things will turn out all right.  maybe it would be nice if the world was like that but I got news for some people, things don't always go the way you want them to, no matter how well you plan.

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #18 on: Mar 25, 2006, 08:19 »
I guess BZ was just saying that there are definitely some stupid things you see people do. Most could be caught by a determined thug.
The best advice I saw was from BC: treat it as a crime. I have a feeling that a police report would go a long way towards helping the plausibility of your story if you later failed a test.

To answer the original question, NO. I don't know of anyone that it happened to....
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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #19 on: Mar 25, 2006, 09:46 »
Hey Snake,
I think Broadzilla is actually a guy.  Although he doesn't specify a gender in his profile, he signs a lot of his posts "Mike".  Of course, I could be wrong.  If so, I apologize.  But then, (s)he could be both.  Some people are.  Note that the word "gender" doesn't actually apply to people anyway.  It is a grammatical term used to describe nouns - the three genders are: masculine, feminine, and neuter.  People, on the other hand, have no "gender", we have a "sex".  There are only two sexes - male and female.  Despite transgenderism, homosexuality, transvestitism, Marylin Manson, and all that other stuff, a human (other than the very rare hermaphrodite) is either male or female (even if castrated).  But, "sex" is a dirty word that makes a lot of people blush, so we use the incorrect word to be sensitive.
Anyway, "Mike" (or Broadzilla) is generally a fairly polite and sensitive poster here.  Maybe he just missed an opportunity to be more politic about saying what he meant.  You see, I just wrote a whole paragraph about a very touchy subject.  I tried to be inoffensive, but some will probably be offended anyway; just because I mentioned some things that make them uncomfortable.  Above all, he's right about one thing -  you gotta be careful and look out for yourself.
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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #20 on: Mar 26, 2006, 02:04 »
I don't think that's correct.   Arguably, any language is a living, breathing changing entity.  So for the here and know, even though it is euphemistic, I think gender is entrenched as a word and is being used correctly.  I hate that it had to come about because people didn't like using the word "sex", but we are who we are.

gen·der [ jéndər ] (plural gen·ders)

1. somebody's sex: the sex of a person or organism, or of a whole category of people or organisms ( often euphemistic to avoid the word "sex" )
2. grammar categorization of nouns: the classification of nouns and pronouns in some languages according to the forms taken by adjectives, modifiers, and other grammatical items associated syntactically with them
3. grammar category of noun: any one of the categories into which nouns and pronouns are divided in languages that have gender, e.g. masculine, feminine, neuter, or common

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Re: FFD violation (slipped a "mickey" or something close)
« Reply #21 on: Mar 26, 2006, 07:32 »
I guess BZ was just saying that there are definitely some stupid things you see people do. Most could be caught by a determined thug.
The best advice I saw was from BC: treat it as a crime. I have a feeling that a police report would go a long way towards helping the plausibility of your story if you later failed a test.

inan attempt to return to the thread.... treating being slipped a mickey as a crime may be an answer, but i doubt it would be an adequate one.  i mean it's not like rape, although the violation is certainly in place.  perhaps violations as there is the physical when you fall on the floor.  there is the mental, because you certainly cannot trust the whole populace that you were with (hope it woodent ever happen in times square on december 31th or washington, dc on the july 4th, as that would be a hole buncha peoele).  not to mention the
psychological as thought processi being scrambled ala morning eggs.  no, it's more like proving the crime.  you fill out the report, 'n that would be it, because the cops certainly have a lot more to do than try 'n figger out iffen you got criminally dosed, accidentally dosed, or self dosed.   after ingestion, fingerprints would be hard to lift from the contraband.  the victim stating what the contraband was would be self incriminating, as how would the vic know?  besides, i think a certain askance would be a prevalent attitude in the police department.  trained to be professionally skeptics, i think one of the initial deductions would be that the alleged victim was filing a report to cover an indescretion. 
quando omni flunkus moritati

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dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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