News and Discussions > Illness & Injuries
Thomas Saunders
For those that know Thomas, he had a heart attack on Thursday night, last report is that he is on a respirator, and he is in the Mercy Fairfield hospital. I don't have any more details, but I plan on calling the hospital this morning, to check on him.
Lets keep Thomas and his family in our prayers, during this crucial period.
Dave Warren:
Thanks for the info. Keep us all updated. Thomas is a great man and we are all concerned about him. Our prayers are with him and his family.
Thomas has been moved to a semi-private? private room # 2911 at MERCY HOSPITAL FAIRFIELD, 513-870-7000, I will call his room after 0800 hrs. because that is what the switchboard sez the phones are turned off untill after 0800.
update on Thomas, I spoke with his wife and he did not have a heart attack, but he did have a massive blood clot on his lung, well the operated last nite and he is in int. care with a hole in his chest. they plan to close the hole in a couple o daze. I prayed with his wife and she request for the prayers to keep on coming. his vitals are good and he has made it thru the tough part.
Dave Warren:
Ray, I sent you a personal message. Give Thomas, his wife, and their family our best. From Jerry Emery, Paul Emert and myself, here in Ashtabula. God Bless.
Ray, thanks for posting please keep it up. My prayers and thoughts for Thomas and Barbara.
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