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Do House-Jobs Make You Old?

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--- Quote from: UncaBuffalo on May 27, 2006, 11:38 ---Just testing a theory that putting up with all the politics, etc in a house job ages you. 

(Probably  ALMOST as quickly as raising kids!)  ;)

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actually, noooo...  house jobs only make you feeel older...     as for raising kids, nothing is more fun than to put them in a grocery shopping cart with a wet diaper and then passing off the cart to the next shopper...

Being a traveler doesn’t make me feel older; it’s raising Teenagers. It’s like nailing Jello to a tree.

Kids, ex-wives, and money worries, those things make you old.  Hobbies, "lovin", and friends are the things that keep you young.  Finding the proper balance of all things is the trick. 

Jim Rodgers

Mike McFarlin:
Not old just ugly.


--- Quote from: Gonzo on Jun 08, 2006, 01:39 ---...nothing is more fun than to put them in a grocery shopping cart with a wet diaper and then passing off the cart to the next shopper...

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Man, you gotta get out more...


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