...10CFR26..Spanky...10CFR26. ...took most of it ...Bill June and driving rental cars at the Darlington dirt track ( to quote Gary Leonard,,look at this Bill June is racing rental carsAND WINNIN)...and jumping snow drifts at Fitz..took the rental cars......but, compare the $$, we are making now, to then,,,I know alot of people are gonna jump on this,,"we arent making what we should, blah, blah, blah...."..well if you arent, then you need to pick and choose your jobs, take some courses,,,,learn shipping, safety,,,go into another field, but the $$ is there if you look for it,,,if you wait for uncle Bruce to call you to go to Oconee, well you gonna make minimum NUCLEAR wages....but where I live,,,the $$ is there....we are making in 6-8 weeks in the spring, and 6-8 weeks in the fall plus unemployment what it took 8 months in the 80's and 90's to make,,,,,,testify SPANKY,,,testify.....