I am a rightie. I am also the only person I know who can/will toss high pressure gas/liquid cylinder between hands without looking at them while walking somewhere. Is that strange? I figure, if I drop one and explodes, in all likelyhood, I'll be dead instantly.
I can also shoot either left or right handed. Unfortunately, my right eye is around 20/2000, and the left is about 20/1500, those are my real vision records. Therefore, for accurate long range shots, I use the left. I first learned this little talent last in 2002, when I fell down the stairs and crushed my right facial nerve. I had Belle's Palsey for about a year and had to wear any eye patch full of moisture gel for most of it. I was unable to close my eye at all. I still smile crooked, but the rest is better. I just refrain from smiling whenever possible.