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[Poll] Lefties in the Nukes
wolfen alluded to an abundance of southpaws in the nuclear workforce on the thread, "does musical talent dwell within nuclearworkers". has anyone else noticed this phenomena? I once was on a crew that had 14 lefties out of a total of 23, at least i think that was the ratio. maybe housepuke and barleybuddy can help me out here. anyway, that was the most disporportionate crew i was on, also one of the bestest!
Lefty is besty and we be the only people in our right minds and we make better lovers - just ask us
Do a poll Slo Go
I'm a lefty.
I'm a righty but I'm bi-lingual.
I'm a righty but i can be ambidexterous on everything but writing and sports. ??? Being a waitress before tech work was a contributing factor.
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