holy Christ! hasn't this topic been discussed before???
Mike M...I am not trying to to give you a hard time or doubt your abilities here but if you have taken the exam "over & over" then one would tend to believe that you can pass it & have done so many times. Don't you go to the places that you're a returnee??? When I was on the road, many sites were up to like 3-5 years for accepting the exam (Susquehanna, PV,Hope Creek come to mind)So, I guess the point is, what is next??? "oh, I only have 6 months in as a Jr. tech but I should be "grandfathered" to a SHP because I have been an outage secretary for the last year???
Sure there is a flip to everything & I have see my share of techs who have the exam & can't read a Mod2 or count a "nasal smear" in a Sam9 or put duct tape on a guy face to "decon it" but the reality(my POV) is that there has to be some kind of criteria that sets the bar, if not then ANYONE could do the job. And that's not to say that anyone CAN'T do this job..they can if they have the time in & can pass the exam.
The one aspect I would change is the line on the B website to remind folks that they have to "know" if they are current & if they need the exam, they better study on their own time. IMO, the utilities should give the contractors a couple of days do go over the material(while getting paid) & then take the exam.