Facility & Company Information > Browns Ferry
TVA - What qualifies as 'local candidate' ?
Recently I was told that although I am a veteran, and passed the screening and POSS test, I will not be invited to interview, as there were enough qualified 'local candidates'. Does anyone know what the criteria is for being a local candidate?
1: Be a resident of the Tennessee Valley.
2: Be a resident of within 50 miles of the site where you want the job.
It's pretty much something you can't get around. Financially it makes sense because within 50 miles you don't have to pay for a move.
Second: The top priority and in fact it's stated in the Act that Established TVA is for the TVA to improve the quality of life for the residents of, and bring prosperity to the Tennessee Valley. One of the ways is to hire as much as possible residents of the Valley. It's one of those complying with the law sort of things. There's no real way of getting around it.
If they get enough qualified candidates from within the Valley for interviews those are all the people they'll interview. Since for most positions TVA tries to interview about 3 people for every open position it's not like they're hurting for qualified Valley residents if they're turning down non valley people. I know TVA is a stickler about the 3 to 1 ratio for interviews because I've heard it from a lot of HR people.
Just to give you a quick example of how many people probably applied for the job...
A few AUO classes ago I believe they hired something like 18 or 20 people, something like 1200 applied for the job. When we hired the last class (15) we had something like 300 or 400 applicants. After the EEI we had something like 100 left of which we interviewed 40.
Thats insane. I would never have figured there were that many qualified people in that small of an area. My company (Evil Empire) has a devil of a time finding qualified candidates. They pay for people to come take the POSS test. When I hired in 6 yrs ago, my class of 18 didn't have one person from within 100 miles, and only 1 guy from the same state!
As a matter of fact, 2 months ago, we were hiring a new class, and I gave my Ops Director a resume of a girl my wife works with, and she got a phone call the next day, to come take the test in 2 days!
Yep! Looks like this one may have gotten me too.
Hey Broad,
Am I right that an applicant could actually have everything in line including the residency requirement and just happen to not get an interview because there were so many applicants and they just don't get to his application and resume?? Sounds like it could be a crap shoot as to whether or not you get picked. I hope its not alphabetical by last name?? Although first name would be good. (Adam Turner)
All jokes aside, it's gonna take more than this to keep me from trying. There have got to be other ways to get noticed and get a foot in the door. I'm gonna check out this site for any 'backdoors' into Ops.
Thanks for the info. guys!!
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